Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

SO proud of another Challenger in our group!! She started off as a dedicated Challenger, completed her 90 day program T25, and saw such amazing results that she has decided to become a coach so she can help others reach their health and fitness goals, just like she is doing! She is a true inspiration with an amazing transformation. And this is just the beginning! Can't wait to see what is in store for her!! Way to go girl! 

Her Story;
To show you why I believe in challenge groups and how they can help you achieve your health and fitness goals I decided to step WAY out of my comfort zone and share my before and after pictures from the first challenge group I participated in.

My workout for the challenge was Focus T25. I lost 23lbs, 16" and I have built muscle along the way. I started ChaLean Extreme today because I am a work in progress and I want to ROCK a bikini this summer, not just wear a bikini but be completely confident, you know what I mean 

Working out and clean eating is not difficult, I didn't think I had time working 55 hours a week but I made the time. I made the time to workout and to meal plan and prep each week because I wanted to be healthy and change my body.

A Challenge Group can and will work for you if you commit to it and you want it! If you would like me to help you with your journey and join me on my personal journey to ROCK a bikini like, comment or message me to join my challenge group starting February 3, 2014.

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