Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Why

I am a worry wart. I am scared to bits of change and the unknown. Joining Beachbody as a challenger and a coach has changed my life! 

This past summer my boyfriend and I had alot going on. I started a new job, we started renting our first house...and we decided to get a puppy!! It was soo much to deal with at once but we did the best we could. In August a girl randomly added me on fb, so I checked out her profile and saw that she looked amazing and thought "why can't I look that good?" so I added her and she began telling me about this challenge group thing. I contemplated joining for quite a while because it was a good chunk of money and that was scary. I decided to take a leap and do something for myself for once and started my first challenge group with Turbo Fire. I LOVED this!! It was exactly what I needed to workout at home and I had all of the support and motivation I needed right at my fingertips.

When my coach mentioned coaching to me, I thought how perfect would that be to make money while working out and being healthy. Nervous I wouldnt be able to find those few people to join with me I debated joining for a good 3 months. Again...took that leap of faith and just did it.

I began coaching around the Holidays to help make that extra income to help pay for the extra spending around that time of year, and to get the discount on all of the awesome products, little did I know it would end up changing my life!!

For the past few years I have struggled to find my meaning, my life purpose, a true passion for something. I was baptized and put all of my Faith in the Lord to guide me in the right direction. A few months went by of the same routine, school, work & home…repeat, I had a nice house an amazing boyfriend and loving family, but why did I still question everything? Like something was still missing.

Once I got into the details of coaching, it made me realize how much more I was doing than just making money…I was helping people and I found my passion! I was helping people transform themselves into something they have always wanted and find the happiness that I now felt! I helped inspire people, motivate them like I was motivated as a challenger and it felt great! Not only was I helping others but I was transforming myself in the process, it couldn’t be any greater.

I had already started healthier habits and exercise but I felt better about myself on the inside, and who I REALLY was. I have learned to surround myself with positivity, and to always take time to better yourself with personal development. I now have set goals and intend to reach them! One of the biggest eye opener is now look forward to change, I step out of my comfort zone and tell others my story, I am more outgoing and confident in who I am.

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