About Me

I am a 25 year old Christ following, fitness loving, girlboss! And I am also a fur momma to my baby Toby!  I started my fitness journey not too long ago. In August 2013, I was invited to join my first challenge group. Little did I know it would change my life. After we moved into our new house, we both were very busy picking up extra hours to cover expenses. I had always gone to a gym or fitness classes, but just couldnt swing the extra money at the time, so I did what I could at home. When I had a new friend request on facebook, I checked out her profile and pictures to see if I knew her. We had a few friends in common but the motivation she had and how inspirational she was, was EXACTLY what I needed. So I messaged her asking what all of it was about which was when she told me about Beachbody and the challenge group. When I found out the price of joining I was so frustrated because I wanted it soo bad. I decided to discuss it with my significant other to see what he thought. He said "you never do anything for yourself, go for it!" Once he said that it was a done deal. I purchased Turbo Fire challenge pack which came with a month supply of Shakeology! It felt like Christmas I could not wait for the mail to come.

The mail came and my journey began! I Loved Turbo Fire and how it made me sweat and the music in the videos. The shakes were amazing too! I was a little skeptical at first because ive tried my fair share of health shakes but not this one! Delish :) I was checking in everyday with the challenge group and couldnt believe the support I was getting from people I didnt even know! We held each other accountable and shared recipe ideas and tips to stay on track.

I finally learned how to cook, like actually cook and not just hamburger helper and frozen dinners. I went from dragging my butt out of bed for work to getting up at 5am to get in a short workout! The energy I had and how happy I am is priceless. And because I was so happy with the results I had and with the way I felt I too wanted to help others feel that way. So I joined as a coach! It took me a while to build up the courage to do it but again with all the support from these members blew me away!

Becoming a Beachbody Coach is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Here are three reasons why I love being a Beachbody Coach: 1. Accountability- I was never good at holding myself accountable until I became a coach. I am consistently helping, encouraging, and motivating others to reach there goals and by doing so holds me accountable and keeps me on track. 2. You are your own boss- I love that I can work at my own pace, in my own home and make money. 3. Helping others- I am not just helping others reach their health and fitness goals I am helping them believe in themselves, set attainable goals, and to step confidently out of their comfort zone! Being a Coach gives you long term success physically, emotionally & financially!

2013 was a year that CHANGE MY LIFE! You too can make this change too!

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