Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Coaching Application

Becoming a coach has been one of the best things to happen to me. The last 8 months, I've created a business full of amazing, determined, like-minded, coaches and challengers and I have no plans of slowing down! There are way too many morepeople out there to help! Because of that, I am looking for some NEW TEAM MEMBERS to help end the trend!

I have a few Coach Apprenticeship positions available. I will be personally mentoring these people in both a small online group setting and with one on one calls.

During the first 3 months, I will focus on teaching you the same system that has helped both myself and the top leaders on my team reach the level of success we have today. Currently, my team hold the #2 spot in all of Beachbody.

But, remember, it's up to YOU to choose to APPLY THE KNOWLEDGE in your own biz! What I will teach you WORKS, there is NO denying it.

Whether you are looking for something part time that can help you earn an extra $1,000 a month to help with bills, OR you want to work your business a little more intensely to reach that amount EACH WEEK... I will help you lay down the foundation to get to you GOALS!

The reason I am SO passionate about this business is because I want to help people become HEALTHY and end of disease that is affecting Americans!

Who's ready to join me? Fill out this application to apply!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

4 Reasons to Become a Beachbody Coach!

The Desire to Inspire Team is NOT just any team...We're a FAMILY, We work TOGETHER, We train together and we grow from each others strengths! I’m not a fitness expert or professional trainer but these program and products have helped me CHANGED MY LIFE!! And I am PASSIONATE about sharing them with others! HOW COULD I NOT?!?! I help people…I CHANGE LIVES…like mine…like YOURS…We are THE DESIRE TO INSPIRE TEAM...TOGETHER we are BETTER! Together we are UNSTOPPABLE!! Join our team…Join our FAMILY!

Friday, January 24, 2014

21 Day Fix!

It's all the buzz in the fitness world, the brand new workout which is the 21 day fix!!!!!  It's coming to you on February 3rd, 2014!!!  It is a rapid weight loss program that is designed to give you  a nutrition guide with portion controlled containers, a workout program, plus the support and accountability of me as your coach! 


The 21 Day Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It's a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone's busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results.

Umm hello can you say genius!!!   I am so excited about this.  How often do you know or maybe you feel this way about yourself.  You are eating healthy you are exercising but you just aren't losing weight.  Well it could be something as simple as the portion sizes of the food you are eating. So this program is specifically designed to help you in that area!!!

So how can you score your own copy of the fix?!?  
For starters you can go to my site and create a freeaccount which makes me your Beachbody Coach.  Then I will send you the details of the 21 day fix the week of January 27th.  I will be hosting a 21 day FIX EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP for individuals who would like the continued support, guidance, motivation and accountability to start and complete the workout program!!!  

Do you want to be a part of the test group?  If the answer is yes then complete the application below to be considered for a spot in my group.  The group will be a select few individuals who are ready to commit to 21 days of focus and intensity.  I will be there to walk you through the nutrition plan, to teach you how to plan it out, how to make it work for your lifestyle and to keep you accountable.  The group is done through an online closed support group. That means that no one but the members of the group can see what is being posted.  I won't let you fail!  If you invest in me, then I will invest in you!  The only cost is the cost of the challenge pack which includes everything you need to get started.  The 21 day nutrition guide, the program manual, the workouts, free shipping, discounted price and me as your coach for the accountability, support and guidance!!!  Let's make it happen!  You are going to  look amazing this spring and summer!  Why not start now!!  You will be the next TRANSFORMATION STORY!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Less than 2 weeks left to get P90X or T25 at the special promo price!!! AND a spot in my February Challenge Group!!

Perfect for those of you who don't have much time in your busy lives to work out. Like or comment for details!

New Year, New Opportunities

I am looking for 5 people to join my team as fitness coaches! You do NOT need to be in shape to do this. In fact, if you are still on your fitness journey you will be surprised at those you will inspire! You just have to be interested in health and fitness, be motivated, have a positive attitude, and have a passion for helping people!

Overview of the opportunity:
-For the first 3-6 months you will learn from me and exactly what I do in my business. I will walk you through everything step by step. You can learn and earn at your own pace.
-After a few months of being consistent with what I've taught you, you can earn anywhere between $100-300 weekly. From there, pay can increase to $500-1000/weekly as long as you remain consistent and follow the roadmap I give you. In 2-3 years you can be earning 6 figures working from home.
-Plus the potential to earn a FREE trip to Cancun!!!
-You must be willing to dedicate the time needed to help you be successful!! Effort in=Effort out
-Message me to apply!
***I would love to have you on my Team!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Why

I am a worry wart. I am scared to bits of change and the unknown. Joining Beachbody as a challenger and a coach has changed my life! 

This past summer my boyfriend and I had alot going on. I started a new job, we started renting our first house...and we decided to get a puppy!! It was soo much to deal with at once but we did the best we could. In August a girl randomly added me on fb, so I checked out her profile and saw that she looked amazing and thought "why can't I look that good?" so I added her and she began telling me about this challenge group thing. I contemplated joining for quite a while because it was a good chunk of money and that was scary. I decided to take a leap and do something for myself for once and started my first challenge group with Turbo Fire. I LOVED this!! It was exactly what I needed to workout at home and I had all of the support and motivation I needed right at my fingertips.

When my coach mentioned coaching to me, I thought how perfect would that be to make money while working out and being healthy. Nervous I wouldnt be able to find those few people to join with me I debated joining for a good 3 months. Again...took that leap of faith and just did it.

I began coaching around the Holidays to help make that extra income to help pay for the extra spending around that time of year, and to get the discount on all of the awesome products, little did I know it would end up changing my life!!

For the past few years I have struggled to find my meaning, my life purpose, a true passion for something. I was baptized and put all of my Faith in the Lord to guide me in the right direction. A few months went by of the same routine, school, work & home…repeat, I had a nice house an amazing boyfriend and loving family, but why did I still question everything? Like something was still missing.

Once I got into the details of coaching, it made me realize how much more I was doing than just making money…I was helping people and I found my passion! I was helping people transform themselves into something they have always wanted and find the happiness that I now felt! I helped inspire people, motivate them like I was motivated as a challenger and it felt great! Not only was I helping others but I was transforming myself in the process, it couldn’t be any greater.

I had already started healthier habits and exercise but I felt better about myself on the inside, and who I REALLY was. I have learned to surround myself with positivity, and to always take time to better yourself with personal development. I now have set goals and intend to reach them! One of the biggest eye opener is now look forward to change, I step out of my comfort zone and tell others my story, I am more outgoing and confident in who I am.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

SO proud of another Challenger in our group!! She started off as a dedicated Challenger, completed her 90 day program T25, and saw such amazing results that she has decided to become a coach so she can help others reach their health and fitness goals, just like she is doing! She is a true inspiration with an amazing transformation. And this is just the beginning! Can't wait to see what is in store for her!! Way to go girl! 

Her Story;
To show you why I believe in challenge groups and how they can help you achieve your health and fitness goals I decided to step WAY out of my comfort zone and share my before and after pictures from the first challenge group I participated in.

My workout for the challenge was Focus T25. I lost 23lbs, 16" and I have built muscle along the way. I started ChaLean Extreme today because I am a work in progress and I want to ROCK a bikini this summer, not just wear a bikini but be completely confident, you know what I mean 

Working out and clean eating is not difficult, I didn't think I had time working 55 hours a week but I made the time. I made the time to workout and to meal plan and prep each week because I wanted to be healthy and change my body.

A Challenge Group can and will work for you if you commit to it and you want it! If you would like me to help you with your journey and join me on my personal journey to ROCK a bikini like, comment or message me to join my challenge group starting February 3, 2014.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Daily Quote

"Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity... successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results."
— DuPree Jordan, Jr.

Happy Monday

Starting my Monday off right! ...well sort of. I have been wanting to get up early again and get back in the swing of things. Well the past couple of days I have had a terrible tension headaches and just feel crummy. So I decided to drink some detoxifying tea and will have 3-4 of them to day to renu my body. If you have never done a detox I highly recommend trying it at least once because you feel incredible after.
Happy Monday

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Late night snack

I'm not a person to eat a late night snack...but I was a bit hungry and said why not?!?! Only my favorite snack EVER!!! Apple and peanut butter it is :)
What do you crave for a late night snack?

Eating out

#Fit #Tip
When you know you will be eating out for dinner instead of at home , its hard to make healthy choices with so many options to choose from. Look up the restaurant online and take a look at the menu before hand. Decide what your having before you even leave the house...that way once your out to eat there is no need to look at the menu! :)

Sweaty Saturday Success

Yay, finally got it to work. Took me forever to figure this app out.
Anyway, this was from this morning!
HIIT 25 & Loving it!

Super Saturday

Woke up this morning, not in the best mood because today is Super Saturday for Beachbodys! Super Saturday is an event to learn, explore and inspire and to be inspired, of course along with a great sweat session!! Not happy with mother nature this morning but gut instincts are usually right  So this morning I will have my own Super Saturday in my living room! Throwing on the neons, reading personal development, and working hard! To all the ladies at Super Saturday have fun for me too! Miss you all!

Friday, January 10, 2014

As I sit here concluding my purchases for nursing school books, scrubs and medical supplies I have butterflies in my stomach! 
I cannot belive that I start the nursing program at KCC in just two weeks!! AHHH I have waited soo long to reach this point. Four almost five years of prerequisites, transferred colleges three times, I have moved seven times, switched many jobs, became a cna and here I am...doors wide open! When I got my acceptance letter in the mail, all I could do was cry because I have worked my hardest to be where I am, that it was hard to believe it was real.

So why am I nervous, excited, second guessing?!?!
I think with every major event or change we experience in life causes us to feel multiple emotions so you can prepare for the worst and hope for the best!
What I do know is that helping and caring for others has been my passion my WHOLE LIFE♥
Now I will put my big girl panties on, chin up and keep a smile on my face!
I will give it my all and push myself to my limits!
This is it. I can't believe its happening. No looking back.
What the future holds, Ill never know, but I have faith that the Lord will lead me on a beautiful journey!

To all of my friends and family who have loved and supported me every step of the way! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014


We shared a morning snack & the love for peanut butter!


Have to share my new favorites....Do you have trouble finding a face wash that works great for your skin type? I did for the longest time. I tried all different brands, proactive and some others that are advertised on tv but none of them seem to help my skin the way I had hoped. My skin is very oily yet very sensitive and becomes easily agitated.
Beauty Control is awesome!!!
I'm obsessed. I only would wash my face when I showered, now I wash it morning and night because it makes my face feel so clean & soft 
The tube at the bottom of the picture I call my "Magic Wand" haha if I feel a pimple or zit coming....BAM gone!

Turbo Thursday

I find that when I start with my workout I always am mentally in a better spot!! Today I am starting with #turbofire because honestly I just want to dance!!! Busting out some moves!!! Smiling because its going to be a great day!!! don't skip your workout, its hard to sometimes get started but the feeling after a good workout is totally worth it!!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Challenge Yourself

I know that so many of us are "starting" Monday- you know this is the time we will really achieve the New Year's Resolution and I am thrilled to be starting another group this Monday as well. My friend shared this with me and I thought it was the perfect visual. I know that my challengers are guaranteed results if they simply follow the formula. There is no guess work- only hard work. I have 2 spots open to begin preseason tomorrow. If you want to take a spot. Message me as soon as possible. First come first serve.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Flex Friday

#flexfriday and having fun with it!!!! Monday through Friday it's easier to stay on track but the unpredictability of the weekend can easily get the best of you!! but the simple act of being aware of what you have to do, anticipating your obstacles and choosing what you want to splurge on vs stay on track will keep you focused!!! For me I workout on the weekends I eat my 5-6 small meals a day and I don't find myself starting every Monday feeling guilty about my choices!! No more yo yo dieting!! Be a weekend warrior, this is a lifestyle change not a job but something that is part of who you are!! You are healthy and you feel good when you treat your body right!!!! 
Be the owner and CEO of your life and especially your weekend!! Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Blank Page

And we are off to begin writing a new chapter in our books!
What will you write in your chapter?
Fill out my online form.
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