Monday, December 23, 2013

Day One

Hey everybody!
I am a total newbie to blogging. I am looking to do this to expand and grow my business as well as meet new friends. You can never have too many friends right? ha. So hmm lets see Monday. My Monday or even the past couple of days havnt been normal for me. I am a girl who likes order, structure, and routine. With my house being without power and me having a fractured finger, well that puts a damper or two on things. A typical day for me is a half day at work as a nurse aid 7am-11am I come home and work a bit on homework (nursing student) and on my business. Most days I try to workout before work because it is the best way to wake up, but if that doesnt happen and I need an extra few minutes of rest then I workout after I get home from work. I am currently doing the program Chalean Extreme and let me tell you she is EXTEREME!! But I love every second. It is such a feeling of accomplishment and hard work when your muscles are screaming at you!

I am currently residing at my parents for a while until my boyfriend and I get power back at our house. I cant complain because I have a roof over my head, heat and food in my belly.

It has been a long day for this girl...I am going to play around a bit with blogging and if you have any tips or suggestions please feel free to comment.
Good Night Everyone!

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