Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Just purchased my ticket for the Beachbody Super Saturday Event next weekend! Excited to be around like minded people with the same goals and dreams that I have. Bummed that I can't be in Pittsburgh with my Dream Team but I will hopefully see you all at Summit in VEGAS!! (Crossing my fingers) 

Anyone is welcome to come with and check it out to see what coaching is all about! 


This has been the focal point I've been taught as a coach. If you are persistent you will achieve your goal. You can't compete a workout and expect to keep old habits, but if you are consistent with what you have learned it becomes a new habit, a lifestyle and your results become the reality!

As this year comes to an end ask yourself, what have I accomplished this year? What can make sure to always do that will help you better yourself all the time?

Give it your all and make 2014 your best year!!!

Monday on Tuesday!

Ok, I apologize to any of you who have read my blog! It is still under construction and is a process. 
Phrase of the day; Carpe Diem - used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future!
In other words....seize the day!

Ohhh myyy Monday! 
Made a trip to get groceries for the week & had a touching conversation with an elderly man about the word "Hallelujah" definitely touched my heart! Continued my journey to the tanner where I locked my keys in my car!! Urghh I have done this too many times. It makes me laugh out of my carelessness but irritated because I don't have my car. Of course DAD comes to the rescue! I would be lost without him...seriously!
I am adding to my list of resolutions to NOT lock my keys in my car!
Thanks Dad (Andy Bayes you!

I am sitting here still working on my dream board and resolutions for 2014 because I want them to be big and from the heart! And I listen to our Monday team call for our weekly dose of inspiration....and I left feeling overwhelmed and ecstatic for this year!! So many opportunities and adventures. I can't wait to see what this year brings! Woop woop
2014 WILL BE EPIC!!!!!
Who's with me?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Health Strategy: Caring for others

‪‎Holidays‬ offer an opportunity to gather with family and friends and these social connections help relieve harmful levels of stress. Caring behaviors trigger the release of stress-reducing hormones. [Source: harvard.edu] 

Below, two top personal development experts share their view of the mindset that will help us maintain positive, caring relationships:

"Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take." -Anthony Robbins

"Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations. Don’t over-analyse your relationships. Stop playing games. A growing relationship can only be nurtured by genuineness." -Leo F. Buscaglia

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dream Big

About to bring out my crafty side and create my Dream Board! Everyone daydreams, hopes, wishes, & prays for many things they desire. With 2013 soon coming to an end I am looking back at how my year went. Things that I accomplished, failed, that made me happy and made me cry. One thing I learned this year is to surround yourself with positive and inspiring people!

When I became a beachbody coach, it opened up my eyes to new ways of thinking! I am exposed to so many strong willed, motivated and inspiring people who have a passion for helping others. We focus to see the positive in others and always be kind and supportive of everyone around you!
My biggest takeaway from coaching and my focus for the new year....DREAM! SET GOALS! HAVE PASSION!
Having these aspects in my mind, will help keep my chin up and help move forward, and never EVER give up!
So I have my pad of paper out and I am setting goals for the new year that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. Using these guidelines will take me out of my comfort zone & I can't wait! It will push me to expect the best, prepare for the worst and capitalize on what comes!

2014....A new beginning & amazing opportunity!
I'm ready. Game face on. Bring it!

What about you? Do you have your game face on for the New Year?

Photo: #Dream #Big
About to bring out my crafty side and create my Dream Board!  Everyone daydreams, hopes, wishes, & prays for many things they desire. With 2013 soon coming to an end I am looking back at how my year went. Things that I accomplished, failed, that made me happy and made me cry. One thing I learned this year is to surround yourself with positive and inspiring people!  

When I became a beachbody coach, it opened up my eyes to new ways of thinking!  I am exposed to so many strong willed, motivated and inspiring people who have a passion for helping others. We focus to see the positive in others and always be kind and supportive of everyone around you! 
My biggest takeaway from coaching and my focus for the new year....DREAM! SET GOALS! HAVE PASSION!  
Having these aspects in my mind, will help keep my chin up and help move forward, and never EVER give up!
So I have my pad of paper out and I am setting goals for the new year that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. Using these guidelines will take me out of my comfort zone & I can't wait!  It will push me to expect the best, prepare for the worst and capitalize on what comes!

2014....A new beginning & amazing opportunity!
I'm ready. Game face on. Bring it!

What about you? Do you have your game face on for the New Year?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Today minus a yesterday

Firstly I apologize for not posting yesterday, it was quite an eventful and busy day here at my house. We were without power for a few days because of the ice storm that came through so I had quite a but of house work to catch up on! Christmas was great as always, I can never get enough of spending time with my family. Its tradition in our house that dad always a makes a big breakfast and he did too. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! But to keep from over eating I decided to drink my shakeology before I got to my patents house. Shakeo is probably the only drink that is healthy and gives me energy and full. Plus I made Christmasy recipe.....peppermint mocha mmmhmmm yum!
Ranting sorry ha.
So I hope everyone had a warm and merry Christmas as well!
I started my day off yesterday as I do every morning with my warm lemon water and a half an hour of a good book then had a sweat busting workout! Followed by 3 loads of laundry done and folded, fridge cleaned out because we had some food go bad when we lost power. Did dishes (left handed because I fractured my right finger)  got a much needed new car battery, picked up a few things at the store, attended an unexpected mandatory work meeting, bought myself some tanning minutes, got gas, visited my parents and got subway for dinner! Wheww I'm out of breath just typing it haha.
Today safely I was out of lemon juice so I drank warm water and read only a little. Had a longer workout today, went tanning then had a Christmas lunch at Applebee's for my grandpa! Fixed the clogged tub, covered our windows with plastic to save on the heat bills and made grilled chicken and carrots for dinner. Snuggled and watched a couple episodes of The Walking Dead (obsessed!) And ready for bed. Tomorrow I'm going to use as a ME day!
Goodnight and God Bless!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas! I stayed up later than normal last night,was spending time with family and waiting for Santa ;) I am so thankful for all of the hard working consumers employees that helped turn my power back on by Christmas, thank you. I am up reading my PD book (personal development) & drinking my lemon water in front of the tree. My boyfriend and I will be going to my parents later for brunch, games, movies and gifts. Today is also our two year anniversary! Yay. Well I hope all of you have a safe, healthy and happy Christmas

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day Two

Good late morning everyone!
I started my morning out GREAT! Did some zumba at home to wake me up. I love a good sweat first thing in the morning it definitely gets you going. Plus the music is awesome! I have just recently started reading everyday for personal development, its something that my coach and idol suggest and im loving it so far. Im reading a book called "The Power of a Positive Attitude" and it is great. I have always been a positive person and this is just adding in. I am eating my favorite breakfast of all time...oatmeal with protein powder and blueberries! I always change up the fruit but its warm in my belly and its a great source of energy and keeps me full for a while. I am putting on my sassy pants today and sticking to my healthy habits. I will have a almonds and craisens as my snack in about 2-3hrs and will have my shakeology for lunch. For dinner my family always goes to my grandmas house for Christmas so I will pick and choose my favorites and be aware of my portion sizes! I hope everyone has a safe, happy and healthy Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day One

Hey everybody!
I am a total newbie to blogging. I am looking to do this to expand and grow my business as well as meet new friends. You can never have too many friends right? ha. So hmm lets see Monday. My Monday or even the past couple of days havnt been normal for me. I am a girl who likes order, structure, and routine. With my house being without power and me having a fractured finger, well that puts a damper or two on things. A typical day for me is a half day at work as a nurse aid 7am-11am I come home and work a bit on homework (nursing student) and on my business. Most days I try to workout before work because it is the best way to wake up, but if that doesnt happen and I need an extra few minutes of rest then I workout after I get home from work. I am currently doing the program Chalean Extreme and let me tell you she is EXTEREME!! But I love every second. It is such a feeling of accomplishment and hard work when your muscles are screaming at you!

I am currently residing at my parents for a while until my boyfriend and I get power back at our house. I cant complain because I have a roof over my head, heat and food in my belly.

It has been a long day for this girl...I am going to play around a bit with blogging and if you have any tips or suggestions please feel free to comment.
Good Night Everyone!
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