Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Happy Holidays

Hello and Happy Holidays!!! It's your coach Cameo and I hope you are still doing well with your health and fitness journey, but if you need any extra help or have good news you want to share with me please reach out!  I am on facebook (cameo.bayes), instagram (cameobayes) :)  And, as always my website TeamFitRevelation.blogspot.com  has great tips and recipes so be sure to check it out!
Holiday Party Recipe Share
To help stay on track over the holidays I always offer to bring an app or dessert that I know that I will enjoy and won’t break the calories.  

Arrange a veggie tray in a fun holiday shape!

OR serve these gingerbread bites as a healthy dessert option!

The recipe can be found at http://www.teambeachbody.com/teambeachbodyblog/nutrition/gingerbread-balls
For those needing a little extra accountability I do have some groups that I want to share with you! There is a new FREE BEAT THE HOLIDAY BLOAT support group starting Monday, DEC 11. We are just going to stick together to help each other out through the holiday season. Yes it’s possible to stay on track and still have a great time! Its not about perfection, its about doing the best you can :)
Second, our NEW YEAR, NEW YOU group is kicking off on January 8th. This is shaping up to be our biggest and best challenge group EVER so you don't want to be left out! If you are determined to reclaim your health and are ready to make a CHANGE in 2018 you want to message me now so you can secure your spot BEFORE this challenge group fill up!
I don’t know about you but I am SUPER EXCITED for the new year! I have a lot of changes coming with 2018 and I can’t wait to share them with you all!!!
To close, I just want to wish you a very HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and that your hearts are refilled with joy and happiness <3 2018="" and="" be="" best="" blessed="" days="" each="" ever="" may="" of="" one="" prosperous="" span="" year="" your="">

Have a ROCKING Holiday!!!!

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