This past weekend I hosted a live webinar to answer questions and talk a little bit more about the different options for the 80 Day Obsession program. We had an AWESOME call and if you can believe it I am even MORE excited for the official launch than I was before!!
I know that not everyone was able to tune in to the webinar and it was chock full of information so I am going to share the two parts of the call with you here.
We also discussed all of the different package options which you can see by clicking here and downloading my slides.

Part One

Part Two

Apply Now Before The Group Fills Up!

I still have some spots left in my 80 Day Obsession Beta Challenge Group so please let me know if you’d like to reserve your spot ASAP! I am looking for people that are seriously committed to rocking this program and your results. We will START on the 8th of January with our prep week and then on the 15th of January with day 1 of workouts.
Because I am your coach you will have exclusive access to Autumn Calabrese for a private mentoring call (group style). This is going to be EPIC and totally life changing. We will apply some of my elimination mindset, food freedom and emotional eating hacks for this group. are you ready to take control of your health and fitness? Lean in, get ready and lets go!!!
Remember this is a BETA TEST GROUP which means you will be the FIRST to go through the program! You have the opportunity to win $500 for completing the program and submitting your results plus you have the opportunity to become a Beachbody Challenge Winner and earn additional money for your transformation.
If you are ready to rock the results here is what you need to do next:
  1. Fill out an application at the bottom of this post
  2. Stay up to date on the latest info by joining my Official 80 Day Obsession Launch Group event on Facebook
  3. Together we will pick out which package is best for you so you can order on Dec. 14th!

More Transformations!!

Here are some more 80 Day Obsession before and after pictures to get you even more excited to try out the program! These results are REAL and this program is truly life-changing.  Its incredible what you can accomplish when you put your mind to a nutrition plan and fitness program for the full 80 days!  I know that you are going to rock these results too!

WANT IN??? Message me HERE to join!