Friday, March 28, 2014

What is your why?

YES!  So many awesome challengers have shared so many AWESOME goals!

When it comes to getting in the right mindset to reach your goals, here's the most important thing I've learned (both in reaching my own goals & in helping others reach theirs):

The most important element in setting your mindset is finding your "why."

Why are you doing what you're doing?  What is the purpose of your goal?  The difference difference between a weak (or non existent) why and a strong why will motivate you out of the "it's too hard and I can't do it" mindset into the "I will because it's important" mindset.

Lots of people know they NEED to lose weight, but why do you want to? For your family, to live longer for your kids, to feel better about your self image?

 Each day, as you are spending just 5 minutes visualizing why you want to reach your goals, think about how GOOD you will feel when you hit your goal weight, how much more energy you will have for your family... the list could go on and on! Think about all the reasons why you want to reach those goals...

Then get to it!  :)

What's your "why?"  Reply back or post your "why" to share.

I believe in you!

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