Wednesday, March 26, 2014


So many people STRUGGLE with MINDSET! 
Your mindset is the most difficult aspect to get right and is by far the most important. 

Here's a way I've found to establish the best mindset possible and get yourself off to a running start towards your goals...

*Acknowledge that Reaching Your Goals Will NOT be Easy!
To succeed in your health and fitness goals, you have to expect it is going to be hard. Especially for us with busy schedules.

If getting in great shape was easy, everyone would be doing it - yet 38 percent of Americans are clinically obese, with diagnoses of type 1 diabetes. Another 26 percent have type 2 diabetes and obesity issues.

Try this: Realize that you a rare individual, and just by reading this you are already motivated enough to push through a difficult jump-start to fitness.
(Its not too late to join my challenge group for everyday support and motivation, starting March 31st!)

Share your mindset with me today.

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