Monday, March 31, 2014

Clean Eating Snack Ideas

Quinoa Protein Bars

Homemade Quinoa Protein bars
So one of the ladies in a clean eating group that I am in posted this recipe and I just had to give it a try.  Boy am I glad that I did because it is fantastic!!!!
2 cups cooked quinoa
1/2 cup natural peanut butter 
3 Tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 cup gluten-free rolled oats
1 banana mashed
1 egg
1/2 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut*
1/2 cup chocolate chunks (I used unsweetened carob chips)
This is one of the easiest snack!  This will be my afternoon snack with my cup of tea this week!!!  

Mix first 4 ingredients well. Add next five ingredients, spread out on parchment paper lined pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!  I honestly love anything with coconut, peanut butter and oatmeal so this is right up my ally!!!

Lemon Protein Bars
Lemon Protein Bars

So I would have never even thought to make this recipe.  But a challenger in one of my groups made them and said they were amazing!  Then, I found this recipe and they are in the oven right now!  I'll keep you posted on how it goes!!!

·                     1 cup oat flour
·                     2 scoops vanilla whey protein
·                     /14 tsp salt
·                     1/2 tsp baking soda
·                     2 quart mix crystal light (without aspartame)
·                     4 egg whites
·                     1/2 cup splenda, ideal, truvia
·                     8 oz jar of baby food applesauce
·                     4 oz water
·                     Preheat oven to 350
·                     Mix oat flour, vanilla whey protein, salt, baking soda, crystal light in a large bowl.
·                     Mix egg whites, Splenda and applesauce in another bowl.
·                     Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix together.
·                     Spray 8x8 Pyrex dish with non stick cooking spray.
·                     Pour into dish
·                     Bake 23 minutes

It makes 16 squares and 2 squares is a serving.
 Calories:  86, Carbs:  10 g, Protein:  9 g

Friday, March 28, 2014

What is your why?

YES!  So many awesome challengers have shared so many AWESOME goals!

When it comes to getting in the right mindset to reach your goals, here's the most important thing I've learned (both in reaching my own goals & in helping others reach theirs):

The most important element in setting your mindset is finding your "why."

Why are you doing what you're doing?  What is the purpose of your goal?  The difference difference between a weak (or non existent) why and a strong why will motivate you out of the "it's too hard and I can't do it" mindset into the "I will because it's important" mindset.

Lots of people know they NEED to lose weight, but why do you want to? For your family, to live longer for your kids, to feel better about your self image?

 Each day, as you are spending just 5 minutes visualizing why you want to reach your goals, think about how GOOD you will feel when you hit your goal weight, how much more energy you will have for your family... the list could go on and on! Think about all the reasons why you want to reach those goals...

Then get to it!  :)

What's your "why?"  Reply back or post your "why" to share.

I believe in you!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Melt In Your Mouth Baked Chicken

Melt In Your Mouth Baked Chicken

  • 3-4 frozen chicken breasts
  • 1 cup plain greek yogurt (I used Chobani)
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • 1/2 tsp Mrs. Dash, any flavor (I used ranch)
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 tsp red chili flakes
  • pinch of cayenne pepper
  1. Mix all of the ingredients (except the chicken) together in a small mixing bowl.
  2. Evenly coat the chicken with the mixture on both sides.
  3. Wrap each breast in foil and bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


So many people STRUGGLE with MINDSET! 
Your mindset is the most difficult aspect to get right and is by far the most important. 

Here's a way I've found to establish the best mindset possible and get yourself off to a running start towards your goals...

*Acknowledge that Reaching Your Goals Will NOT be Easy!
To succeed in your health and fitness goals, you have to expect it is going to be hard. Especially for us with busy schedules.

If getting in great shape was easy, everyone would be doing it - yet 38 percent of Americans are clinically obese, with diagnoses of type 1 diabetes. Another 26 percent have type 2 diabetes and obesity issues.

Try this: Realize that you a rare individual, and just by reading this you are already motivated enough to push through a difficult jump-start to fitness.
(Its not too late to join my challenge group for everyday support and motivation, starting March 31st!)

Share your mindset with me today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mediterranian Macaroni

1 (14.5 oz) can fire roasted, diced tomatoes, drained well
1/3 cup chopped black or kalamata olives
1 Tbsp chopped fresh basil, plus more for garnish
1/2 tsp dried oregano
8 oz elbow macaroni pasta
2 Tbsp butter, plus more for baking dish
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup chopped red onion
1 large clove garlic, finely minced
3 Tbsp flour
2 cups whole milk
6 oz crumbled feta cheese
2 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Butter an 8 by 8-inch baking dish or a 9-inch deep dish pie dish, set aside. In a small mixing bowl, combine drained diced tomatoes, chopped olives, 1 Tbsp fresh basil and dried oregano, set aside. Boil pasta to al dente according to directions listed on package. Drain pasta well and return to pot. Meanwhile, melt butter along with olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Once hot, add onion and saute until soft and lightly golden, about 3 - 4 minutes, adding in garlic during the last minute of sauteing. Whisk in flour, and cook stirring constantly for 1 minute. While whisking vigorously, slowly pour in milk and bring mixture just to a boil, stirring constantly. Once mixture reaches a boil reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring constantly until mixture has thickened, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in 2 oz feta cheese and mozzarella cheese then season with salt and pepper to taste.
Pour tomato mixture over well drained pasta in pot and toss, then pour sauce over pasta mixture and toss to evenly coat. Pour coated pasta mixture into prepared baking dish. Sprinkle top evenly with remaining 4 oz crumbled feta cheese. Bake in preheated oven 20 - 25 minutes until edges are bubbling and top is golden brown. Serve warm garnished with fresh basil ribbons if desired.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Shakeology Cleanse

What makes the Shakeology Cleanse stand apart from the others is that the Shakeology cleanse is not a true "cleanse". The Shakeology Cleanse is a calorie restricted, nutrient rich cleanse. There are no strange drinks made of maple and lemon or apple cider. With Shakeology you will be satisfied and you won't be a zombie or feel like you are starving your body of vital nutrients, because you aren't! The main point of the Shakeology Cleanse is not calorie restriction but nutrient richness. The aim is to get the most nutrients into your body with the fewest calories consumed. These calories are to fuel your workouts and rid the body of toxins and hydration into homeostasis. The result with this cleanse to have your body run more efficiently and the weight loss is just an added benefit that most experience (you can lose anywhere from 3lbs to 10lbs in just 3 days!!).

The Benefits of the Shakeology 3-Day-Cleanse:
  • Rid your body of fat
  • Detoxify your body
  • Jump start your weight loss and fitness routine
  • Body rejuvenation

How does the Shakeology Cleanse work?

With the Shakeology Cleanse your daily food structure remains close to the same as you’re everyday eating. You will still be eating every few hours with meals that are balanced and nutrient rich which will make up for consuming fewer calories. This means that you can still continue with your workout routine. Adding fruits, nuts, seeds, and the Shakeology fiber supplement can be done as you see fit. Your one solid meal a day, your salad, can also contain fruits, nuts, and seeds, legumes, and veggies along with four ounces or less of a white protein. The point is to keep you satiated and to avoid anything that is artificial - including your salad dressing. The Shakeology Cleanse is designed to optimize your body’s performance. You want to have enough food to fuel your day and your workout. By eating foods that are high in fiber and nutrients it is virtually impossible to overeat. With the high fiber, digestive aids, and enzymes, your body will be ridding itself of excess food and fat and flushing out waste.

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse Explained:

The Shakeology 3-day cleanse is an innovative way to use Shakeology as a cleanse. It's very simple to follow and is unlike any other cleanse out there today. One of the things that makes it so different from other "cleanses" is in fact that the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is a "performance" cleanse. This is because it is designed to be done along with a workout or fitness program. Here is how it works and how to follow:

Once again, this cleanse is meant to be done in conjunction with your regular fitness routine but best to schedule during your recovery weeks if you are doing an intense program like P90X or INSANITY. It is also a GREAT way to jump-start ANY fitness routine and weight loss by doing the cleanse the week before you begin and getting your body healthy!

Reasons why you might not lose weight:

First, most people WILL lose some weight but weight loss is not the goal of the Shakeology Cleanse. People with a lot of junk in their systems tend to lose the most weight from this cleanse. If you've been eating clean then there are less toxins and food left in your system to be rid of. While you may not lose much weight while doing the cleanse, your body will be ready to lose once you have finished and continue your fitness program.

Second, restricting calories can be stressful. Stress in the body releases the hormone cortisol and inhibits you from losing weight. This is the reason why you don't do the Shakeology Cleanse no longer than 3 days.

A 3 day Shakeology Cleanse costs $45.  Message me to order Cleanse.
Frequently Asked Questions:

How many calories per day?
800 - 1,100 per day

How often can I do the Shakeology Cleanse?
Ideally you should do it once per quarter (every 3 months)
When you start a new workout program
When you feel you need help breaking through a weight-loss plateau

Should I/Can I still do my workout during the Cleanse?
Depends on the individual
You will have less energy, so consider doing it during your 'recovery' week
Don't do it in the middle of P90X or INSANITY

Can I do a 1-day or 2-day Cleanse?
Yes, some people see results in 1 or 2 days!
It is NOT recommended doing the Cleanse for longer than 3 days!

Should I/Can I take other Beachbody supplements during the Cleanse?
Not the Beachbody Results and Recovery drink, it has too much sugar
All other Beachbody supplements are fine but not necessary 

How Much Does it Cost?

$45 per 3 day cleanse plus shipping.

To order, click here
PAYPAL $45 + $5 shipping and specify what flavor you would like, Tropical Strawberry, Chocolate, Greenberry, Vegan Chocolate or a combo pack.
Fill out my online form.
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