Saturday, February 1, 2014

Super Bowl 2014

The Super Bowl is almost upon us! And although I'm not a die hard football fan, I'm still going to be watching and rooting for Denver!

I read an article the other day, that a research study showed that people average a 10 pound weight gain during football season. Tailgating involves a lot of eating snacky type foods and drinking alcohol, so it shouldn't be surprising. If you are going somewhere for a Super Bowl party here are a couple of tips so you don't overdo it.

1. DON'T go on an empty stomach. You are setting yourself up for a binge and constant graze session. I'd be lying if I said that at times in my life, I didn't worry about eating before I went to a party. There would be tons of food there, isn't that the point, right? The problem is that the healthy choices are usually far out numbered by the not so healthy choices. So what can you do?! Eat something clean and healthy just before you are ready to head to the party. You're stomach won't be growling when you get there, prompting you to first visit the buffet table.

2. If it's a covered dish situation bring something healthy you know you will eat. That way if all else fails, at least you will have ONE healthy option. If it's not a covered dish scenario, bring something anyway...I guarantee you someone else with thank will definitely thank you!

3. There's no better way for me to word this....if it's served warm, has a creamy texture, and melted cheese and cream cheese are in the recipe....IT'S NOT good for you!!! I struggle with this one! I personally cannot eat dairy for heath reasons but for everyone who can. I mean who doesn't like dip, right!? If you love dip, make a dip from Greek Yogurt and serve it with veggies or multigrain pita wedges.

4. Plant yourself away from the food. For some reason we tend to congregate around the food table. Fill your plate with healthy, delicious yumminess, walk away and find a place to sit or stand away from the food. Go in a different room if you can...that's the best...out of sight out of mind.

5. Most importantly make a plan ahead of time before you get there. You don't want to be so stressed about it and thinking so much about the food and drink that you can't enjoy the game or the company! Have fun!!!!

Now I am never one to say you CAN'T have something. We all have to live life and enjoy things, just be very conservative with the portion sizes you choose for your cheat treats. Restricting entirely is never a good way to go, that only leads to binging!

Are there any foods you know you will be faced with tomorrow that you plan to avoid or to limit your portion of? Mine is going to be a sweet I'm sure!!

Have great weekend everyone! Enjoy the game! Go Broncos!!

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