Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

This week a coach on my team shared her transformation story with us!  She wasn't a coach when she started this transformation.  But because of her love for the products, her dedication and commitment she became an amazing success story and is now leading others on the path to success.  

Ashley started her weight loss journey 6 months ago with Insanity.  {NOTE THIS IS THE HARDEST WORKOUT EVER}  She completed Insanity, then T25 and is now doing P90X3.  She has lost a WHOPPING 76 LBS AND 76 INCHES over the course of 6 months!  Now right there that screams DEDICATION!

You know weight loss is not easy, the more you have to lose the harder it is.  The more it hurts and the easier it becomes to quit. But her perseverance and commitment are what makes her stand proud today sharing these pictures.

Here is her personal testimony:

This week marks exactly 6 months since Ashley started her weight loss journey. 70 lbs, 76 inches and 23% body lost in just 6 months." I can honestly say beachbody has saved my life! I was on a bad road with deteriorating health and I am so grateful! I have my amazing coach Sarah Bender to thank! The entire dream team, since I became a coach it has given me even more motivation to continue on this journey! "
I started with Insanity, completed that then I completed T25 and now I am on block 2 P90X3. Soon to add in 21 day fix! 

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