Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mexican Egg Scramble


clean eating, 21 day fix Yesterday we had the neighbors over for a cookout. I did pretty well. We had grilled chicken, asparagus and a Garden Veggie Salad. But, I also made a chocolate cake. I’ve been doing the 21 Day Fix and haven’t baked the entire time, which is pretty good for me! So I decided I could bake a cake and send the rest home with the neighbors. Well, not only did they not take it home but they didn’t even eat any! I still did well, I only had one normal person size piece instead of my typical quarter. But I still feel gross because it’s been awhile since I’ve eaten something like that. This morning I needed to step up my game with the vegetables.
I shared a recipe yesterday, Venison Spaghetti, where I spoke about hiding vegetables in food. What better place to hide vegetables than in scrambled eggs? Bonus: we already have been doing it, my husband loves peppers in his eggs! So what’s a few handfuls of spinach going to hurt?
Mexican Egg Scramble
No measurements for this recipe, it all depends on how many people you’re feeding and really, you can’t go wrong!
Bell peppers, chopped (any color or every color!)
Onion, chopped
Cilantro, finely chopped or just torn
Splash of milk
Chili Powder
Garlic Powder
Hickory Smoked Salt
  1. Crack the eggs in the pan and add your splash of milk. Add all the seasonings and stir until combined.
  2. Add all the vegetables but the spinach and cilantro. Cook until the eggs are almost done.
  3. Add a few handfuls of spinach and the cilantro. Stir while it cooks until the spinach cooks down.
  4. Serve with salsa and a tortilla 21 Day Fixers – only if you can afford it for the day!

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