Thursday, April 9, 2015

One Step Closer to Debt Free

I feel like I HAVE to share this opportunity because most people don't know exactly what we do or how we make money as Coaches. So I want to show you that what we do is REAL and it is possible to build a substantial income from home, whether you are a busy college student, mom, or even have a full time job!
I admit it 100%! Spending money when I didn’t have it was my weakness. I mean shopping still feels good but I'm more responsible! I've racked up credit cards twice in my life and now I am finally at a place in life where I'm paying it all off COMFORTABLY. I can't explain the feeling and joy this brings me,  it just had to be on my own time! Well, it's my time folks. It feels SO INCREDIBLE! 
Most people go to college and work their butt off for 4 years, getting nothing in return that whole time, just to get a crappy job to start with so you can gain experience? YEP,I've been there & I am still finishing my degree after FIVE YEARS!! Well, the difference between THAT and COACHING work your butt off for ONE or TWO years and start making MORE MONEY than you would have if you had just gotten out of college! 

I know this isn't the "traditional job", and it was such a scary decision for me. So many people expect to get into it and see quick and easy money. But nothing worth having comes easy. You start from scratch and what you put in is what you get out of this, it is a direct reflection of your effort! The set backs are like a test. Those who are not successful is just Gods way to say He has different plans for them and those who keep going, are those who have a fire inside that tells them they were made for more and DESERVE this opportunity! This takes time and hard work. But if you have PASSION, DEDICATION, INTEGRITY, and are willing to work hard toward your GOALS, then I can PROMISE you, that you will succeed. I can promise you that in 3 years, you WILL be making a 6 figure income. Sooner if you put more time into it! EVERYONE who sticks with it WILL!
I could not be more grateful for the opportunity I've been given through Beachbody. It's not just about working out and eating healthy. Yes, it's gotten me in the BEST shape of my LIFE, and I've learned so much about nutrition and clean eating, but this is a complete LIFE CHANGE!
From the people I've met, the personal development I've been exposed to, the free vacation's I've been blessed with, and now... PAYING OFF MY CREDIT CARD!!! I am almost DEBT FREE!
I wish this FREEING feeling for everyone! NO one should feel stuck. NO one should feel like they are being suffocated by life itself. Life allows me to breathe and breathe deeply and it's all because of ONE THING... guess what it is?  YOUR MINDSET. Don't put up these walls around yourself that force you to stay STUCK!

Because of a decision I made 19 months ago, I am FREE, I feel FREE, my FAMILY has freedom. I have freedom of time, freedom of choice, and freedom of finances. I know what I am doing from my HOME is making a difference in the lives of others. I want that for MORE people!!

If you feel trapped, limited, or overwhelmed - let me ENCOURAGE you to jump like I did. See if this is a good fit for you!!! 
It took time and effort to have the freedom I do now, but I did it! Now I want to show YOU how to do it for yourself.
I’m running a New Coach Training Group that will teach you step by step as a new coach how to begin your journey and share as you go to help others, how you can build a 6 figure business of your own, and how you can wear your pjs everyday too
I am accepting ONLY 15 new coaches into this group as I will be personally mentoring you one on one in your business!
If you feel led to even ask just one teeny tiny question about this opportunity then please do, I'd love to chat!!
My team is my family & a true community - it will change your life to be a part of this team!

I am looking for people who are:
1. Motivated to create success & freedom for their families
2. WANT to help people & encourage them towards their goals
3. Serious about creating more income for their families
4. TEACHABLE and ready to learn what I pass on!

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