Monday, February 9, 2015

Welcome, New Coach Chelsea!

One word to define my life would be LOVE. I love my forever faithful
God. I love myself. I love my family. I love my friends and I love to
motivate, inspire and have a positive impact on others who cross my
path in this journey we call LIFE. Oh and Basketball--I sure do love
to play some basketball!!

My "Why" for becoming a Beachbody Coach is connected to everything I
love in my life.

1) I love my forever faithful God: I know in my heart I am destined to
do great things by the grace of God. I believe with His help I can
help others to a life of health and happiness from the inside and out.
Everyday is a blessing and I look forward to what He has planned in my
journey through life.

2) I love myself: Yes, I know this sounds selfish. To me, It is
perfectly okay to be selfish when it comes to my happiness and love
for myself. I believe in having healthy eating habits and working out
on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I believe in a cheat meal as
well haha and rest days!! Who doesn't love Oreo's or Pizza...right??
Loving yourself inside and out is SO important! I believe beauty comes
from within ourselves, beyond the layers of our skin and into the
condition of our heart.I believe that self love leads to a healthier
and happier lifestyle. It is something that needs to be worked at
every single day. I know life presents us all with trials and
tribulations, but when you fight through them you become a STRONGER
person. Life breaks you down only to build you back up. With the
guidance of my support system (God, Family and Friends) I am able to
get through the roadblocks life throws at me and back on track.Through
it all I never stop loving is all apart of my journey and
my story!!

3. I love my family and friends: I have an amazing family and amazing
friends. I want to help and inspire my family and friends to a life of
health and happiness. I hope my journey will inspire and connect with
them in some way, shape, or form.

4. I love basketball: Basketball is my passion! My name and basketball
go together like Beach and Body haha or like Oreo's and Milk :)
Basketball has provided many opportunities in my life and has blessed
with amazing role models, coaches, and friendships along the way. I
was blessed to play college basketball and have the opportunity to
represent the USA playing basketball overseas in Italy. I am still
chasing my dream of becoming a professional basketball player

Now, you may be wondering how all of these connect with my "Why." Well
these four points are my "WHYS" in life. They are my foundation and
what makes me who I am today. I keep these things very close to my
heart and in doing that I know I will be able to be the best Beachbody
Coach I can be.

With Beachbody I will be able to help others in their journey to a
healthy lifestyle all while building a business and creating the life
I WANT for myself.

What is the life I want? I want a life full of building new
relationships, sharing my story, hearing other peoples story and
creating positive opportunities for myself and others. A life where I
can help someone become happier and healthier. A life where I continue
to grow as a person daily. A life of financial freedom. A life full of
traveling and new adventures. A life where I can continue my passion
of playing  basketball. A life of giving back to others. A life of
helping my family. A life of helping my friends. A life where I am my
own boss. A life where I set my own schedule. A life where "work"
doesn't feel like "work" because it is simply my passion. A life full
of blessings. A life of sharing Gods word. A life where I can be
independent. A life where when the time comes I can be a stay at home
mom. A life that will make me genuinely happy in mind, body and soul.

That is the life I WANT and will strive to create for myself. Those
are my dreams, vision and goals for my life. We all have a different
"WHY", a different vision, different goals and different dreams, but
that is what makes us all unique and special. It is what makes YOU who
YOU are and Me who I am...someone unlike anyone else in this life. We
are all one of a kind creations--never to be duplicated. We all have a
special place in this life that only we can fulfill perfectly. I
believe it--do you? Once you do, you will be amazed at how much it can
change you life!! I have a passion for helping people, making people
laugh, loving my God, motivating others, loving myself, being close to
my family and friends, playing basketball, and simply having a
positive impact on others who cross my path in this life.

I believe in my heart that becoming a Beachbody Coach will take a lot
of work, determination, accountability, leadership, passion,
dedication, love and a positive attitude, but that journey will be
worth the reward--changing people's life in a positive way one day at
a time!

Be Happy and Be You!!

God Bless,

Chelsea Elizabeth Ciba

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