Friday, May 23, 2014

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend is synonymous with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, and ice cream. So is this a free pass to eat anything we want since it’s a Holiday? The answer is NO. Whatever your plans may be this weekend, remember this. This is a lifestyle, not a diet. Choose healthy options, use portion control, and keep your eye on the prize and you can't go wrong!

Here are some tips for any given holiday:

1) If you do plan to have some adult beverages limit it to 1 to 2 servings at the most. Make sure to drink a bottle of water in between the 2 drinks.

2) Bring a couple of Ziplocks filled with nutritional snacks. Almonds, raisins, grapes, or a protein bar ( my favorite is Quest)

3) Hold a glass of water in your hand and sip your water a little at a time while mingling or standing around at the appetizer table.

4) Don't fill up on appetizers. Treat yourself to one or two so you do not feel deprived, but have a limit in mind beforehand. Save your calories for the main course. Do make wise choices and focus on selecting things that are good for you like fruits and veggies.

5) When going up for the main course make sure you start in the middle and work your way out. Usually the meat is at one end and the desserts at the other. The fruits, vegetables, and salads tend to be in the middle.

6) Keep yourself busy. Socialize, mingle, help out in the kitchen, play with children.

7) Keep your exercise regime on track. A twenty five minute workout is about 2% of your day. Make sure to get one in. This will help keep your metabolism working efficiently throughout the holiday festivities

8) Make your earlier meals of the day lighter and reserve more calories than usual for the holiday meal

The whole point is to do everything possible to set yourself up to succeed and continue to make progress.
The key is to make wise choices while not feeling deprived.


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