Thursday, April 10, 2014


<<Only FIVE spots left>>

Some of you may already know that I'm a Beachbody Coach. If you didn', ya do! . To those who don't know what exactly a Beachbody Coach does but you're wondering, here's a rundown of a typical day of mine:

-Wake up, workout, and eat my breakfast.
-Post "assignments" within my Health/Fitness Challenge Groups and new Coach Training and check in to see if there are any questions.
-Answer a few emails--listen to people's goals and help them find and reach a life-changing solution.
-Nursing school (on days I have class)
-Get home, Shakology for lunch, study.
-Answer more emails and read/listen to self development.
-Coach call with my coach to game plan and new coaches.
-Go over class notes & study more.
-Dinner, shower, snuggle time (boyfriend & puppy).

What I love about Coaching:
I have the opportunity to make a DIFFERENCE in the lives of others. I have made friends with so many amazing, positive and inspiring people. I have a completely changed mentality that has helps me to be more positive, stay organized and manage my time. And, I get to do all of this while I live my life the way I want to live it without missing out on time with family, boyfriend and friends! I am HAPPY!!

And, you know what? This is possible for YOU too! I am hoping to add 5 more people in a coach training group who I will guide and mentor to be successful as a Beachbody Coach. If you've considered Coaching in the past or if you'd like a little info!
 Please apply here:

**If you know someone who would be a great candidate, please feel free to tag them or send my information their way! Never know, you may just help change their life!**


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