Thursday, February 20, 2014


  • What priorities are
  • How we can set them, and
  • How combining priorities with passion and boundaries helps to create a life that you LOVE.
Prioritize: (Verb) To arrange or deal with in order of importance.  To put things in order of importance.
Priority: (noun) a thing that is regarded as more important than another
As women (whether married or single, with children or without children), there never seems to be enough time in a day to do everything that we want to do.  There’s always more.
For example, I wish I had more free time for Bible Studies, Studying to advance my professional knowledge, and time to spend with my loved ones.  I wish I had more time to clean, food prep, read books.  (Luckily I don’t have to worry about a time crunch with my workouts – a 20-30minute can’t be beat!)  I wish I had more time to walk, scrapbook & design.
You get the idea.  We all wish we had more time!
I’ve been working very hard lately to build boundaries and set priorities, so that the things I’m interested in – the things I’m passionate about – have their time to shine.
Prioritizing is important when time is limited and demands are unlimited. 
Coupling priorities with boundaries helps you better allocate your time where it’s most needed.  It also helps to lighten your load from things that aren’t as important.
Now a quick word about “what’s important”…  This is going to be different from one woman to the next.  You may prioritize food prep more than the next woman.  AND THAT’S OKAY!!
Priorities help create the world that’s right for you.
How to Set Priorities

Here are 3 Simple Ways to Set Priorities: 
  1. Deliberately choose what is important to you and what you’re passionate about.  Sit down in a quiet spot, where other people’s influences aren’t impacting you, and ask yourself what is most important to you? What are your goals? What do you want your life to look like? Who is most important?  What gives you a sense of fulfillment and joy?  Write it all down and then you can organize and prioritize from that list!
  2. Keep them simple.  The longer the list, the more overwhelming and impossible it will seem.  Choose just a few to work on at a time, and keep the rest of them on the “next list.”  When the first few priorities are achieved and are automatic, then you can move forward and tackle the next few and work on making them automatic.
  3. Once you set your priorities, live them! Respect them and let them HELP YOU.  Write them down and put them somewhere you’ll see them EVERY DAY.  Remind yourself throughout the day about what your priorities are – this will help keep you focused and on track!  Set goals and reach them!
Without priorities…
  • We “go with the flow,” which means that we let others and society define what we need to be doing and what we should be doing.
  • We don’t know when to say no
  • We procrastinate things we know are important to us for things that others find important
  • We feel as if we don’t have control or say in how we live our lives
  • Our passions are neglected in favor of the to do list.
How to Set Priorities

Don’t let this life get away from you…
Embrace who you are and what you want out of it by setting boundaries and priorities to make them happen!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Emotional Eating

Personally, I often struggle with cravings and with knowing the difference between PHYSICAL hunger and EMOTIONAL hunger (aka eating because I'm bored, stressed, etc). I have found that participating in challenge groups and checking in everyday helps make me more aware. And being aware and recognizing is KEY to keeping emotional eating under control during times of stress.

But speaking of stress...

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal gland, is released primarily in response to STRESS, and is another important hormone to keep balanced for optimal fat loss.

Here are 3 things you need to know about cortisol:
**The main functions of cortisol are to increase blood sugar, suppress the immune system, and aid in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
**FAT BURNING: Cortisol can be used to your benefit when released in the presence of HGH, as it enhances the fat-burning effect.
**FAT STORING: Cortisol released with low levels of HGH and/or high levels of insulin causes muscle burning and fat storing.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

This week a coach on my team shared her transformation story with us!  She wasn't a coach when she started this transformation.  But because of her love for the products, her dedication and commitment she became an amazing success story and is now leading others on the path to success.  

Ashley started her weight loss journey 6 months ago with Insanity.  {NOTE THIS IS THE HARDEST WORKOUT EVER}  She completed Insanity, then T25 and is now doing P90X3.  She has lost a WHOPPING 76 LBS AND 76 INCHES over the course of 6 months!  Now right there that screams DEDICATION!

You know weight loss is not easy, the more you have to lose the harder it is.  The more it hurts and the easier it becomes to quit. But her perseverance and commitment are what makes her stand proud today sharing these pictures.

Here is her personal testimony:

This week marks exactly 6 months since Ashley started her weight loss journey. 70 lbs, 76 inches and 23% body lost in just 6 months." I can honestly say beachbody has saved my life! I was on a bad road with deteriorating health and I am so grateful! I have my amazing coach Sarah Bender to thank! The entire dream team, since I became a coach it has given me even more motivation to continue on this journey! "
I started with Insanity, completed that then I completed T25 and now I am on block 2 P90X3. Soon to add in 21 day fix! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Diamonds are a girls best friend!!! 
Eeeekkkk I am such a lucky girl  
My man is so great he couldn't wait until Valentine's day to give me these absolutely beautiful earrings! 
Can't wait to show them off!
Thanks hunny! I love them & I love you more♥

Dinner Time

Invention of the crock pot/slow cooker....BEST THING EVER!!!
Seriously, who doesn't love an easy dinner that isn't fast food?!? 
Mexican is one of my favorite types of foods or anything spicy, so this recipe I love♥ The chicken literally just falls apart on its own. 

What are some other simple crock pot recipes??
I would love to hear what your favorites are. I am always wanting to try new things 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

2 Days!

Are YOU AS PUMPED AS I AM!?!? T minus 2 days!!!!

21 Reasons to Try The 21 Day Fix™

Need a reason to try Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix™? How about 21 reasons? Using simple portion control and effective 30-minute workouts, The 21 Day Fix is designed for real people trying to lead a healthy lifestyle in the real world. Read on to learn why you don’t want to miss out on Beachbody’s newest program!

21 Day Fix is the first Beachbody program to place equal emphasis on nutrition and exercise. It’s simple. It’s straightforward. And it was created with two main goals in mind: to help you lose weight and get fit—fast.

It that doesn’t hook you, we have 21 more reasons to love the newest addition to the Beachbody family:

1. Rapid Results in just three weeks - Who says you have to bust your butt all spring to get a bathing-suit-ready body? 21 Day Fix is designed to help you lose up to 15 pounds in just 21 days. Slim down and tone up in under a month!

2. No room for nonsense – The most simplistic Beachbody program ever, 21 Day Fix is designed for actual people who don’t have time for complicated food math, or lengthy exercise regimens. Using portion control and effective 30-minute workouts, this program is easy to get on and stay on—even after your 21 days!

3. Shakeology’s new best friend- Already a Shakeology lover? You don’t have to miss out on your daily dose of dense nutrition with this program. It’s integrated right into the meal plan!

4. Give calorie counting the boot – Say goodbye to the labors of counting calories. Complete with seven food-storage containers specifically designed to measure correct food portions, this program let’s you ditch the calculator so you can spend more time enjoying your food!

5. Save BIG on the Challenge Pack Promotion – Save $20 off your Challenge Pack when you buy in February. Our Challenge Pack is reduced from $160 to $140 and makes a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for yourself and your loved ones! (Ask me for the details)

6. Eat what you want - Lose weight by eating the right serving sizes—not by eliminating your favorite foods. Finally, a fitness program where you can have your wine and chocolate, and eat it, too!

7. FREE shipping for the month of February (Base Kit) – Need we say more? Rescue your waistline and your pocketbook by taking advantage of this limited-time, free-shipping offer.

8. Easy-to-follow workouts – Fitness trainer Autumn Calabrese’s 30-minute, total-body workouts have no complicated dances moves or choreography, so people at any fitness level can start the program and wind up a workout champion!

9. Modification for every move - Autumn’s workouts are designed to get your body moving while keeping you injury free. Whether you’re ready to push harder or need a modification, she provides the option you need so you get the workout you want.

10. No complicated recipes or weird food ingredients – 21 Day Fix is designed to help you make smarter choices about real food—none of that funky stuff you have to buy at a health food store. By eating your food in a smart way, you’ll set the routine for healthy eating habits that are sustainable for life.

11. A trainer you can relate to - A single mom, Autumn understands that real people don’t have time for complicated fitness and diet regimens. Workout with a trainer who understands what will work out for you.

12. All of these testimonials are amazing reasons:

Chelsea O. – Lost 10 lbs. & 14 “Finishing the Fix, I don’t think I have ever felt this healthy, this strong, this accomplished in my entire life. I’m going to look my best on my wedding day and that is the biggest gift I could have ever received.”

13. Neil B. – Lost 11 lbs. & 9″ “I went from 168 to 157. To be able to do that in 21 days was amazing. I feel light. I feel fresh. I feel renewed. The 21 Day Fix, it’s my new secret weapon.”

14. Mary C. – Lost 64 lbs. & 57” “The way I look and the energy I have is just fantastic. I feel like I’m at least 20 years younger. It’s never too late to lose the weight. 21 Day Fix has definitely changed my life.”

15. Deon C – Lost 111 lbs. & 58” “After completing the 21 Day Fix and achieving my results, I will continue to do the 21 Day Fix for as long as I live. I’m not stopping. It changed my life. It saved my life.”

16. Beachbody Co-founder and CEO, Carl Daikeler, even got amazing results! – Lost 12 lbs. “I was blown away at my 12-lb. weight loss and visible transformation in 21 days!”

17. Restaurant guide included – There’s no need to give up your social life in the name of weight loss. Using the 21 Day Fix Restaurant Guide, you’ll learn how to make smart choices while dining out with friends and family.

18. 21 days to a free t-shirt – Enter The Beachbody Challenge to get a free t-shirt and a chance to win up to $100,000! A shot at big money prizes and an ability to wear your hard-earned effort (literally) on your sleeve? Don’t pass this opportunity up.

19. Containers are perfect for meals on-the-go – Don’t let travel get in the way of your healthy eating. Your seven, perfectly portioned food containers are BPA free, DEHP free, top-rack dishwasher safe, and microwaveable, making them perfect to take to work or on your next vacation.

20. Keep cooking for your family – Unlike other diet plans that have you eating pre- packaged meals or unpalatable dishes, 21 Day Fix let’s you eat real food, including the recipes you cook for your family. As long as your portions fit in your containers, you can still enjoy chowing down with the people you love.

21. Stay on track with the post-FIX maintenance guide – The hardest part about getting fit is staying fit. With the 21 Day Fix maintenance guide, you’ll be able to keep those hard earned results long after bathing suit season is over.

Super Bowl 2014

The Super Bowl is almost upon us! And although I'm not a die hard football fan, I'm still going to be watching and rooting for Denver!

I read an article the other day, that a research study showed that people average a 10 pound weight gain during football season. Tailgating involves a lot of eating snacky type foods and drinking alcohol, so it shouldn't be surprising. If you are going somewhere for a Super Bowl party here are a couple of tips so you don't overdo it.

1. DON'T go on an empty stomach. You are setting yourself up for a binge and constant graze session. I'd be lying if I said that at times in my life, I didn't worry about eating before I went to a party. There would be tons of food there, isn't that the point, right? The problem is that the healthy choices are usually far out numbered by the not so healthy choices. So what can you do?! Eat something clean and healthy just before you are ready to head to the party. You're stomach won't be growling when you get there, prompting you to first visit the buffet table.

2. If it's a covered dish situation bring something healthy you know you will eat. That way if all else fails, at least you will have ONE healthy option. If it's not a covered dish scenario, bring something anyway...I guarantee you someone else with thank will definitely thank you!

3. There's no better way for me to word this....if it's served warm, has a creamy texture, and melted cheese and cream cheese are in the recipe....IT'S NOT good for you!!! I struggle with this one! I personally cannot eat dairy for heath reasons but for everyone who can. I mean who doesn't like dip, right!? If you love dip, make a dip from Greek Yogurt and serve it with veggies or multigrain pita wedges.

4. Plant yourself away from the food. For some reason we tend to congregate around the food table. Fill your plate with healthy, delicious yumminess, walk away and find a place to sit or stand away from the food. Go in a different room if you can...that's the best...out of sight out of mind.

5. Most importantly make a plan ahead of time before you get there. You don't want to be so stressed about it and thinking so much about the food and drink that you can't enjoy the game or the company! Have fun!!!!

Now I am never one to say you CAN'T have something. We all have to live life and enjoy things, just be very conservative with the portion sizes you choose for your cheat treats. Restricting entirely is never a good way to go, that only leads to binging!

Are there any foods you know you will be faced with tomorrow that you plan to avoid or to limit your portion of? Mine is going to be a sweet I'm sure!!

Have great weekend everyone! Enjoy the game! Go Broncos!!

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