Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Stawberry Shakeology Protein Squares

Strawberry Shakeology Protein Squares

  • 2 cups old fashion oats
  • 4 scoops Strawberry Shakeology
  • 1/2 Natural Almond butter
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (I use Vanilla)
  1. Place oats and Shakeology in blender ( I use Ninja) and blend for 1 min.
  2. Add Almond butter and almond milk. Cover and blend for an additional minute or until it forms a wet dough.
  3. Place in 8X8 baking dish and press evenly around so bottom is covered.
  4. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm. Cut into 8 1 inch squares.
  5. ENJOY!
*Container Equivalents: Per serving
1/2 RED 
1/2 BLE

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Transformation Tuesday $100,000 Winner

Casey Walker, age 41 from Hurst, TX, lost 112 lbs in 1 year with Beachbody’s proven system of fitness, nutrition, and support. He entered his inspirational weight loss story into The Beachbody Challenge®, and your votes helped him win over $100,000 and the title of Grand Prize Champion 2015!

Grand Prize Champion Casey Walker (right) with his sponsoring Coach Crystal Hughey (left). Crystal won $20,000 for helping Casey reclaim his health. 

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
In 2008, I began having symptoms of nerve pain, fatigue, weakness, difficulty walking, and muscle spasms all over my body. I was hospitalized and was found to have high levels of protein in my cerebrospinal fluid which indicated an inflammatory process going on in my body. I have spent the last 6 years in and out of the hospital with flare ups. My neurologist thinks my problems are autoimmune in nature, but I have never been given a definite diagnosis. I have lost several jobs due to my health problems over the past 6 years. My wife was carrying the load of our entire family and it was killing me. I hated looking at myself in the mirror because I knew the real me was in there somewhere. I was depressed and sick of being on a multitude of treatments and prescription drugs that were doing nothing to help me. I felt like I had to take control of my life and body if I was ever going to find myself again.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
My family is my WHY for getting my health back, and they continue to be what drives me everyday to be the healthiest I can be everyday. My 3 kids needed their dad back, so I resolved that no matter how much it hurt, no matter how much pain I may endure, I was going to conquer my weight. I was determined that my family would get the REAL ME back. My wife Erica has never given up on me; she has been and is still to this day my ultimate inspiration!! The first few months of working out were painful, but it has been worth it — tenfold.
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What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
The greatest challenge was making sure my body would not flare up with muscle spasms and nerve pain, and so far with Beachbody programs alongside Shakeology (which is the best), I am conquering my health issues!!
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
In all, I have completed Focus T25, P90X3, Insanity, Body Beast, and most recently INSANITY MAX:30. I loved that I could start slow with Focus T25, and as I got stronger, I became not only more flexible, but my energy and stamina has become AMAZING. I love P90X3, because it has made me stronger. Focus T25 helped my cardio and x3 has made me stronger. Because the auto immune disease took me out of working out for years, I REALLY needed to strengthen my arms, legs, and back. These programs have given me strength beyond what I could have imagined.
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Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I started my first Beachbody program (Focus T25) in September 2013. In the first 9 months, I lost 100 pounds!! In 1 year, I lost 112 pounds, and I’m pleased to report that after almost 2 years, I’ve kept it off! I have NOT missed a day drinking my Shakeology. I have never felt so good!! I look and feel better now than when I was in my mid 20′s. I am 41 now! My body fat has gone from 46% to 17%. My cholesterol was checked in Oct 2013 right after I started T25. It was checked again in May 2014. Here are the amazing results: Before After Total cholesterol 325 -> 177; Triglycerides 647 -> 92; LDL too high to calculate -> 104; HDL 45 -> 55.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
T-25, P90X3, INSANITY, Body Beast, INSANITY MAX:30 … and of course Shakeology everyday has changed my life by giving my life back! How? I can play with my kids! My wife has never seen me look and feel so good! I have suffered through this auto immune disease by having multiple lumbar punctures, multiple trips to the hospital, sometimes spending up to two weeks at a time getting a flare up under control. This has changed my life!!! I have my life back, because I can run with my kids. I am not hurting. I have energy. I AM HAPPY again. I am spreading a passion now for fitness for those who feel like they have no hope. Well, there is always hope, and it’s my life’s aim to ignite fitness and clean eating by sharing with people what Team Beachbody can do for them.
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How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I created a Challenge group called CAMP. Clean Eating, Accountability, Movement, and Progress! I had to make sure I was doing my part so that I was being a great example to the group. I love Challenge Groups. It’s what makes working out tick and come together!!
How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program (such as Shakeology® or Beachbody Ultimate Reset®) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained?
Shakeology is the best product on the market for energy, sleep, mood, digestion, regularity and finally curbing my appetite from sweets. Without shakeology, I would not have done as well, especially being on prednisone which makes you crave everything! I no longer crave unhealthy food, but crave healthy food. I cannot think what I would have done without it! I have more energy than ever before. I am thinking clearly. I am excited and passionate about life again!!! I am also taking the P90X after workout drink and WOW, are you kidding me?! This drink helps me feel better after working my butt off, it makes my muscles feel better and I am not as sore. I have never in 5 years felt this good! I will take Shakeology forever, and I mean that. I am getting the nutrition I need, and my body has recovered from 5 years of multiple hospitalizations, and I am off all medications. Shakeology has brought me back to health. [note: consult your physician before stopping any medication]
Did you achieve any other measureable improvements? (e.g. Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, triglycerides, etc…)
My blood pressure is down. It used to be really high, now it is normal. My triglycerides are back to normal, cholesterol is normal again. I may not need my neurologist anymore but for a YEARLY visit.

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015



Autumn Calabrese, creator of the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme has created a NEW COOKBOOK -- FIXATE! The book includes 101 of my favorite recipes, and they are ALL 21 Day Fix approved!

 Here's a little sneak peek!

The 21 Day Fix is our most popular program and it was a GAME CHANGER for me. It's helping so many of my Challengers FINALLY get results with a simple, portion control meal plan, NO Calorie Counting, and daily 30 minute workouts. It literally couldn't be easier or more straight forward! And best part ---> Those in my Challenge Groups who follow the plan generally lose up to 10-15 pounds!

So HOW can you get the Fixate cookbook for FREE?! Anyone who purchases a challenge pack from me this month will get a chance to Win a Free copy from ME! smile emoticon So hurry up!

A new fitness program + 30 day supply of Shakeology + 30 day FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand + invite to join my next VIP support and accountability group!

For the rest of this month you can actually get the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Beachbody on Demand (3 months access) Challenge Packs for LESS than a one-time order of Shakeology. AWESOME DEAL!!

There is a Team Beachbody exclusive purchase window till August 6th, 2015!! 
Sign up with a free account here to get this book before August 6th!! 

Click here to sign up for a FREE Membership! 

Message me ASAP or comment below that you'd like your FREE copy of FIXATE!

(( Click here )) to make me your coach for free and simply send an email with the subject:
  I want FIXATE to misscameo4@gmail.com!!

Even Better I will support you every step of the way in an accountability group
Apply here below for online support with your purchase! 
Seriously.... I got you completely covered for SUCCESS!! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

NEW Cize Program

Do YOU want to be part of the FIRST EVER launch group for Shaun T's new program ---> CIZE!!? I was able to get a SNEAK PEEK of this workout as a coach and the results are amazing, and the program was so much fun!!!! I can't dance and I have no coordination but I had a blast doing this and it was a SERIOUS WORKOUT!! Here is me with some of my friends Cizing it up hahah!

I am also a Health and Fitness Coach and have 2 years of experience with diet and portion control. I know the commitment and dedication that extreme results will take and I am here to help!

This is an overall cardio and toning program where you won’t be using weights or doing push-ups.  It’s all choreographed to the latest pop music to keep you energized and moving, so you’ll get a great workout while learning the kinds of dance moves you see in music videos and on dance shows. Stick with Shaun T and you’ll be dancing from Day One! Shaun wants to prove it to you—right now—that you can dance….even if you don’t think you can. Just follow the moves as he teaches them. 

What you can Expect: 
- 30-45 minute home workouts
- Customized Meal Planning
- Portion Control system w/ COLOR CODED CONTAINERS
- Peer Support 
- Free Coaching 
- Dance moves that will take you from beginner to EXPERT (I promise you, anyone can do this... including me and I have 2 left feet)
*Real, serious changes to your body!!

You will also get a free CIZE t-shirt JUST for completing the program. By being one of the FIRST to have mind blowing results you will be eligible for $500, $1000 and a $25K grand prize. Not to mention your results could be used in upcoming informercials. Your body is going to change and you will have FUN doing it!!!

Do you Have questions? Email me at ShanHargrave@gmail.com you will also have an option to join as a coach for free, if this is something you've been wanting to do - please contact me directly. I will be posting to the event wall as we count down to the release. Please invite your friends and family.
Cize, Launch, Test Group, MElanie Mitro, Get Cize, What Is CIze, Team Beachbody, Cize Launch Group, Cize Nutrition Plan, Clean Eating, Dance, Hip Hop
The workouts range from 35-40 minutes in length and the program is 4 weeks long but you can extend it as you are learning the moves.  Cize is choreographed to the latest pop music that Shaun T has picked out.

The nutrition plan is easy to follow and it uses the portion controlled container system to help you with the portion sizes! 

Cize is coming out in July and it could even be sooner than the originally specified date of July 20th!  So you definitely want to get on this list for the details!  I will be sending out an email with the package options and ordering details as soon as I am updated!  Plus you get exclusive access to my closed online Launch Group with support and accountability to help you rock out those results!!!  

If you're interested, please complete the application below ASAP and I will be in contact with you to add you to the group!!!

It could be released as early as the 15th of July! So don't wait, you don't want to miss out on the CIZE fun!!!
Fill out my online form.
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