Thursday, June 11, 2015

Round four 3 Day Refresh!

Ok friends... here it is!

Now, before the judging Judy's get their panties in a wad... I KNOW I did not *need* to lose any weight but I'm now back to my happy weight and I am down 3 lbs total. I am in good shape to begin with which is why you aren't going to see a ginormous difference with me but what's important is I've cleansed/reset my body to where it needs to be and got rid of the toxins and "ick" that the beer, wine and comfort foods have put there over the past couple of weeks. SWEET RELIEF! I am not "flexing" or "sucking in" in any of these pictures. Real person here with real results!!

Ok, now that's out of the way...  I'm not going to lie to y'all... this is TOUGH! I didn't *Feel* hungry ALL the time but the hardest part(s) for me was 1) in the morning when you're only allowed shakeology, green tea, and a fiber sweep drink. I am literally counting down the minutes until I can put real food in my mouth at lunch lol! Then after that, the only hard part was a couple hours after dinner when you feel your "snackin'" comin' on... the best thing I found to do is chug water and go to bed. Plus instructing multiple Zumba classes during the week, I think my body just needed more.

Oh! And that's another thing... WATER, WATER, WATER!! So so important with the refresh. It will keep the hunger away and get that fiber working properly.

So, again, I didn't have much room to lose a bunch of weight but I have fellow coaches on my team that have lost between 3.5 - 6 lbs! Not easy but it's ONLY 3 days!! You can do anything for 3 days, right? Therefore, I am getting together a group of people (male or female) who would like to participate in the 3-Day Refresh in a GROUP environment (to hold ourselves accountable) **ALL OF JUNE**

 Summer is FULL of BBQ's, vacations and parties, parties, parties. I figured by the end of the month we'll all be due for a little detox, right?  Don't worry I got your back ;)

If you would like to do this, please place your order here:

Then *DON'T FORGET* to send me a friend request ( AND shoot me a message when you are done so I can add you to the group.  >>SERIOUS APPLICANTS ONLY!<<

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Christmas in June?!? Summer Sale!!!

Hi everyone! Here is the info!! I rounded the prices up a few cents for the sake of simplicity.

If you already have a customer account with me through Team Beachbody, you are good to go!
If not, we can get one created for you!

The corporate specials will be live by 3pm EST on Wednesday afternoon and will run through June17th or as long as item is available.

If your own favorite is not on the list, no worries. ANYTIME on Wednesday only, you can create your own special!!

So if you have been thinking about trying a program like the 21 Day Fix, FIx Extreme, or PiYo, NOW is the time to try it. I am personally giving $10 cash back for each challenge pack for the duration of the sale!! None of the programs listed include Shakeology, and it is truly one of my favorite meals of the day. No exaggeration!

Let me know if you have ANY questions, I am always more than happy to answer them for you!!
Happy Hump Day All!

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