Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Stepfanies Transformation Tuesday

Seriously, this was an amazing day!!! WHY?!?! Because all I see through my feed is all these amazing Beachbody transformations!!! Our team, our challengers, just changing lives!!! AHHH it feels so good to be a part of this!! Stepfanie and I met at college orientation the year we graduated, decided to become roommates and have been friends ever since. Growing up we went our separate ways but beachbody brought us back together! And I am so incredibly proud of her and the hard work she has dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle! When my challenge groups start I ask everyone 'Why' they are making this choice for themselves and I help set goals and benchmarks to have ultimate success. This was Stepfanies response;

"I am doing this challenge because being on my feet at work, running around, moving patients and equipment takes so much out of me and I want to have strength and energy not only for myself at work but for my friends and family on my days off. I am sick of feeling burnt out after working a couple days in a row and essentially passing out for 12 hours just to recover. I also have been having a hard time getting quality sleep and the only time I feel I do get quality sleep is the short hours between shifts. I honestly love my body the way it is, there are few things that I am self-conscience about, and I believe that is a great starting point for this challenge. I have tried working out in the past but was never able to stick with something on a real schedule, though I did enjoy the glimmer of results that I would start to get just before my plans fell apart. I spend so much time and effort taking care of complete strangers at work, and caring about the well-being of my friends and family at home that I think I owe it to myself to take care of me and be concerned about my own well-being. I want to make a forever change in my life to become dedicated to myself, to have life-long healthy eating and activity habits to pass on to my children once my husband and I have a family of our own." 

Here is Stepfanies testimony today>>>
"I've always thought of myself as a thin relatively healthy person and never felt ashamed of myself. In July I started working full time as a nurse on a cardiac unit and realized 2 things 1: younger people are really sick because of poor lifestyle choices and 2: I was not in good enough shape to be working 12 hour shifts full time. I was weak and tired all of the time, but had a terrible time sleeping and just felt all around down and anxious. I started with the PiYo program in august because I needed something low impact to start with and after seeing my body change I decided to step it up and do the 21 day fix in November. I'm currently rotating different workouts from both programs. My legs arms and abs all toned up and my flexibility improved immensely. I'm no longer achey and falling asleep at work. I am sleeping so much better and have much more energy even though I switched to night shift in October. Most importantly I feel amazing, and so immensely proud of myself. I feel strong and confident! I've been making more positive choices and healthy changes in my life and for the first time in years I am truly happy."

Its hard to find something that works great in so many ways, but what makes this different than other programs is the 1:1 support you get with us as your coaches!!!

Real coaches who have been through this journey before. We know what it takes to succeed, we know the struggles you will go through, and we are here to walk beside you to make sure you reach your ultimate goals!!! Today is the last day to join in my March To Get Fit for Something Bigger challenge, and I want to invite those who are ready to commit to sweat for what is important to them and reach their goals with us! Fill out the application below!! The first 5 who join with a purchase of a challenge pack receive a special gift from ME!!

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