Tuesday, December 30, 2014

January Specials EARLY!

January Specials are HOT HOT HOT

I always get excited when we are told what the next month's specials are going to be! Last night we were informed of the exciting Challenge Pack promotions for January and I'm so excited because they are some of my FAVORITE programs. They were released a little early and are available as of TONIGHT! So you can get your challenge pack just in time for our January 5th New Year - New You Health and Fitness group!

So here they are...

21 Day Fix Challenge Pack with Shakeology - Click here for price

If you've been following me at all - you already know how much I LOVE this program. It's definitely been my all-time favorite out of all the programs I've done so far. It just really works, its fun - and super effective! Check out my 21 Day Fix journey here!
  • 30 minute effective home workouts (including Cardio + Weights, Yoga, Pilates, 10 Minute Abs)
  • Portion Control Containers
  • Proven Nutrition Plan
  • Shaker Cup
  • Access into our upcoming online Cleat Eating + Fitness Challenge Group

3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack with Shakeology - Click here for price

The 3 Day Refresh is a 3 day program of specicially formulated shakes, healthy snacks, and delicious, easy to prepare meals that have been scientifically proven to help you lose weight and break the cycle of bad eating while dramatically improving the way you feel.

Unlike juice fasts or liquid cleanses that are high in sugar and low in protein (which can leave you feeling weak and sluggish), the 3 Day Refresh is scientifically designed to help support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs. Plus you actually get to eat delicious, real food during your program!

Some reasons to do the 3 Day Refresh:
  • You need a clean break from a period of unhealthy eating (like HOLIDAYS!)
  • You used to eat pretty well but you have recently fallen off the wagon a bit and need some help getting back on track
  • You want to jump-start healthy eating habits for your new workout program
  • You want to quickly lose a few pounds for an upcoming event
  • You've never been a healthy eater, but you are ready to kick-start better nutrition for the first time
  • You want your clothes to fit better and you want more energy
  • You love food and want to feel satisfied while you lose weight and get healthier

Insanity Max 30 Kickstart Challenge Pack with the 3 Day Refresh & Shakeology - Click here for price

I have a few people doing this program as we speak. It is no joke! Shaun T is one of the best trainers ever and he really pushes you in this program. "I love that even though it's very intense, there is a modifier that you can follow the entire time on half of your screen. And even if you follow the modifier, you can still get crazy results. I'm so excited to see where the rest of this 6 weeks takes me doing this one. I also love that the nutrition plan follows the 21 Day Fix portion controlled plan. It really works!" -Challenger 
  • 30 minute fat-burning at home workout
  • Nutrition Plan
  • Access into our upcoming online Cleat Eating + Fitness Challenge Group
If you'd like to take advantage of any of these specials and join my January 5th online accountability group -email me or message me on Facebook!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Testimony

1.      Have you made Jesus the leader and Lord of your life?
More than ever before, without a doubt, with all my heart.
2.      Why did you ask Jesus in your heart and when?
I was baptized in past but I did not have a full understanding of the meaning and feel that I did it for the wrong reasons. This summer I experienced an extremely dark and low place in my life and I asked opinion after opinion but none of them helped or was the answer I was looking for. Until the day I got down on my knees and looked to the Lord. God has truly turned my world around and I have never felt more love, joy, grace and peace in my life. I will never turn my heart away from the one who made me whole.
3.      Why do you want to be baptized?

I have been baptized in the past but have recently come back to Christ and desiring to re-connect with Him in a new way. I recently experienced his salvation and want to celebrate this with others. I also recognized what Christ has done for me and I am ready to make a public declaration of faith. 


What Is Insanity Max:30 and Can I Get It First?!?!
Woohoo!! Insanity Max:30 LAUNCHES - December 2nd.
You all know Shaun T ~ creator of Hip Hop Abs, Rockin Body, Insanity, Insanity the Asylum, T25 and now Insanity Max30.   

Coach Exclusive:  SWEAT FEST is the coach exclusive that you only get when you buy from a coach.
Insanity Max 30 includes 150 NEW MOVES to help you dig a little deeper and get your body in the very best shape of your life! This workout combines CARDIO and STRENGTH TRAINING without using any equipment at all!!! HOW?? Your body is your equipment for this workout!  That is all you need! SCORE! 

The program is 60 days long and is broken down into month 1 and month 2.  The workouts are all 30 minutes each with a 10 minute Ab workout.  This program is not about making it all the way through the entire 30 minutes, but to "MAX OUT" and GO HARD until you have to take a break! THEN you aim to increase that time the next day.
Who can do Insanity Max:30?  
Anyone that is ready to start their fitness journey with an INTENSE workout. It does have a MODIFIER. If you've completed Insanity and loved it, or if you're a T25 grad and are ready for more of a challenge, then this is for you!  

The workouts in the first month are a combo of cardio and tabata style strength workouts. Your goal is to beat your time from the day before!  
What is a Tabata workout?  
It is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off with the workout structure.
The second month is all about taking it to the MAX and challenging yourself to the max! Now the intervals are 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off, challenging both endurance and strength.

What is Maxing out?  To Max Out means to stop or fail for the first time in the workout.  It's really not about getting through all 30 minutes.  It's about going as hard as you can for as long as you can, until you MAX OUT.  Write down the time take a break, and then you want to jump back into the workout.  If you stay committed and push to your max you will add more time each week with the workouts!  
What comes with the kit and how much does it cost??
***12 Workouts on 10 DVDS, MAX out Nutrition Guide, Restaurant Guide, Wall Calendar. 60 day program, 30 days of workouts in each block.
Month 1:  
*Cardio Challenge: Cardio ~ 4 1/2 minute interval 30 second rest.
*Sweat Intervals:  Cardio
*Tabata Power:  Plyometrics
*Friday Fight
*OPTIONAL Saturday Workout: Pulse workout ~ Focus on core, balance and form. 
Month 2:
*5 1/2 minutes and then the break.  
*Tabata Workout: 45 seconds on 15 second rest and 6 rounds and at the end an extra something!
*Friday Fight Round 2
Why Should you track your progress:  Because psychologically you want to see your progress!  You want to see each week how far you went and if you went 1 minute longer.  You can always have a challenge for yourself.
Meal Plan:  Flexible eating and portion control. Super easy to follow, effective, and crucial to your results!
***Deluxe Kit: comes with 3 extra workouts and the portion controlled containers.  

Hear about the details straight from Shaun T himself and watch him demonstrate the moves!
So how can you get it?  
Fill out the Application below or Email me: misscameo4@aol.com so I can keep you posted on the TIME that it will be launched TODAY.
ALSO, I am starting an INSANITY MAX:30 TEST GROUP! So if you are interested in participating, RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW! 
Insanity Max:30 Test Group:
Please complete the application below to APPLY for a spot in my EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP!
What will you get from me?  
You will get access to my PRIVATE CHALLENGE GROUP, held in a closed online facebook group.  No one but the members of the group can see what is being posted.  I will help you prepare ahead of time for your start of the workout.  We will take measurements, before photos, and meal plan together. I will also provide you with a nutrition guide, recipes, and LOTS of motivation! We will take small steps to get you toward your ultimate goals!! t's about progress over perfection!

***Does this sound like something you would like to do??? Apply now by completing the Application on my site before all of the spots are gone! This form will reserve your spot in my EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP STARTING DECEMBER 8TH!!!

Application to join my Challenge Group: https://destination4inspiration.wufoo.com/forms/challenge-group-application/

Thank you,

Cameo Bayes
Diamond Independent Beachbody Coach

Blog:  http://Destination4Inspiration.blogspot.com
FB: fb.com/cameobayes
Email: misscameo4@aol.com
Fill out my online form.
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