Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Why!

Do you ever find yourself feeling like you were meant for something greater? You feel misplaced like you don't belong? Are you stressed about supporting yourself financially?

If you are reading this and you hear that little voice....and your gut is telling you to do something?

I am here to tell you it is worth it!

This year I have made some of the scariest and biggest decisions of my life. I have been a college student for 4 years, transferred schools 3 times, with over 70 credits and nothing to show for it. Since I was younger I knew my passion was to help others, so I decided nursing was my major. When I finally received that acceptance letter into the nursing program I was trilled, ecstatic, overjoyed! But then I had that little voice and that gut feeling, which took me by surprise because of the uncertain feeling I had. I thought to myself "its only because i'm nervous, I have to do this I've worked so hard to get here to be accepted". Well it wasn't until I started questioning things that I realized the uncertainty feeling never went away. I didn't know what to do, I was scared of what people would think. What else would I go to school for. People will think I failed. I quit. I gave up. NO! I thought about the decision long, very long and hard... but deep down I knew what I wanted.

I FOUND HAPPINESS being a Beachbody Coach!

I found that passion again, that purpose I wanted all along. It brought amazing opportunity, a sense of belonging, so many new friends & a chance to do something amazing. Before Beachbody, I felt misplaced. Now, I feel like I belong. Before Beachbody, I was self conscious, chunky, and disappointed in myself. Now, I am proud of my progress.

As a coach I feel accomplished, enthusiastic, empowered, responsible, overjoyed, significant, happy, honored, excited and loved because I am able to change my future and live life by design.

I strongly believe that God has placed this opportunity in my life so that I can share it with other women and families.

Making this decision was very difficult, and very scary. But my family and friends love me and support me no matter what as long as I am happy!

If you are reading this and you hear that little voice....and your gut is telling you to go for it? I want to hear from you!

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