Friday, December 30, 2016

The Skinny On Alcohol

Toasting in the New Year is one of my favorite traditions, but the effects of alcohol can be staggering on your metabolism. The body does not metabolize macro-nutrients (sugar, fat, carbohydrates) as efficiently when trying to metabolize alcohol; halting any fat loss potential during this period of alcohol oxidation in your bloodstream. My recommendation, toast in the New Year with a more fat loss friendly option such as some sparkling water or one of our herb and fruit infused drinks and limit your alcohol intake. Doing so will help you keep your metabolism on the right track and not de-rail all of your hard work & fat loss efforts!
If you do want to enjoy some alcohol in moderation to toast in the new year, check out the skinny on alcohol… 
  • If you go for wine, go for red - Studies show that red wine may be good for your heart, so if you’re deciding between white and red, go for red. The antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols may help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart. A polyphenol called resveratrol is one substance in red wine that’s gotten attention. Resveratrol may help prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) and prevents blood clots. Some research shows that resveratrol could be linked to a lower risk of inflammation and blood clotting, which can lead to heart disease. But other studies found no benefits from resveratrol in preventing heart disease, so the jury is still out. Both white and red wines contain resveratrol, but red wine has much more.
  • Low calorie wine isn’t worth it - There are very few low cal wines floating around (and I couldn’t find any that were red). The low cal wines that are on the market are made from the first grapes picked in the season because younger grapes contain less sugar and, therefore, less alcohol and fewer calories. The thing is, these wines still contain about 97 calories per 5 ounces which isn’t too bad…until you consider that regular wine only has around 105 calories per 5 ounces. With the numbers being so close, I’d recommend just sticking to good old regular wine.
  • Go clear - Look for clear or light-colored alcohols and instead of soda or fruit juice, add a seltzer to your drink. A one-shot drink over ice with a calorie-free mixer like seltzer water with a squeeze of lemon or lime will keep sugar content to a minimum.
  • Avoid dessert drinks – Steer clear of the dessert drinks that are loaded with creams and syrups. It adds loads of extra fat and calories, not to mention sugar!

And lastly, whatever you decide to drink for New Year, watch for dehydration!
Alcohol causes dehydration and water retention due to lack of electrolytes. You will retain water for several days after a long night of drinking. For those of us practicing the fat loss lifestyle, staying hydrated is a key aspect to curbing hunger and cravings. Be sure to re-hydrate your body after any alcohol intake. For every alcoholic beverage you consume, drink a glass of water. This will keep you from getting dehydrated and the dilution creates less strain on your liver and kidneys.
Stay safe and have fun!

Surviving New Year's Eve Party Tips

Shopping and parties and treats…OH MY! 
How is everyone doing on your Holiday Survival? It’s New Year’s Eve and I know it’s been tough to stick to your fat loss plan! The goal is to make good choices and not feel deprived on all the fun.
Believe it or not, there are ways to enjoy celebrations with friends and family AND stay on track with your fitness and fat loss goals.

Here are 5 Tips for Surviving Your New Year’s Eve Party

1. Don’t go hungry – It’s very important to focus on quality nutrition leading up to the party. Fuel yourself with the 2 P’s (protein and produce) to balance hunger, energy and cravings all day long. That means DO NOT starve yourself leading up to the party, studies show that skipping meals actually leads to more unhealthy eating and overindulging later on. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you’ll “cancel out” your New Year’s Eve party eating by eating less earlier in the day. Instead, minimize the fat storing damage by doing the opposite…Start with an egg and veggie omelette for breakfast, a salad with chicken breast on top for lunch, and plenty of grab & go veggie options throughout your day. On the day of the party, it’s more important than ever to continue eating healthy, balanced meals all day long. 
2. Exercise before you go - Start off New Year’s Eve morning with a good workout. Whether it’s a Beachbody workout (Find the workouts here) or a quick 10 minute sprint session, exercise before you indulge in your New Year’s Eve party snacks. Exercising prior to a higher calorie, higher sugar meal is always a good idea as some of the calories can go to building muscle rather than simply just storing fat.
3. Keep insulin low - Insulin is a storage hormone, so when you’re eating more than normal, if insulin is high and excess calories are present, they’re more likely to be stored as fat rather than to be burned and used as energy. The major trigger for insulin release is starchy foods and sugar like bread, pasta, potatoes, cookies, crackers, etc. These foods are not bad in and of themselves, but when it comes to your New Year’s Eve party, by limiting the amount of starch/sugar you consume, you will be able to keep insulin levels balanced. This not only helps stay away from fat storage, but also ensures you’re avoiding drops in blood sugar that can cause cravings and cause you to eat more at the party. 
4. Fight cravings first - Before you even get the party, you need a game plan for how you’ll fight cravings. What’s your “weakness?” Is it the chips? The dessert table? Fight cravings before they even hit. I have a major sweet tooth, so when a craving hits, I mix 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder with hot water and drink it like hot chocolate (sweeten with stevia if desired). Not only has cocoa been shown to improve cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure, but it’s full of antioxidants and kills hunger! Cocoa is also a rich source of many nutritive minerals, most importantly magnesium. Magnesium, along with zinc and vitamin B6, is the number one depleted micronutrient when under stress. Cravings tell your body what it needs, so fight cravings first by listening to your body and fueling it with the vitamins and minerals it’s asking for.  

how to fight cravings

5. Plan ahead - If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. If you want to stay on track, you need to come up with a plan on how you’ll handle the party. Decide beforehand what you’ll eat and how much you’ll drink, then tell yourself that you WILL stick to your plan. Fill your plate with the 2 P’s (protein + produce) FIRST and starch, dessert, or alcohol second. 

If your New Year’s Eve Party nutrition doesn’t go as planned… 
Don’t beat yourself up! Too many women throw in the towel after a splurge. They fall off the wagon and then hit themselves over the head until they get back on. You may feel defeated and think, “Oh well, I blew it! It’s too late now. I’ll just eat junk the rest of the week and start again on Monday.” That is NOT the right attitude to have. Give yourself some grace. Allow yourself to mess up. And then remember…

This is a lifestyle.
 After a splurge, it’s important to think of your eating habits over the course of a few days. What have you been telling your body over the course of this week? How about this month? How about this YEAR? Do you really think that ONE overindulgence can mess up a months worth of good fat loss nutrition? This is a lifestyle, and that means looking at the big picture, not a single days events.
EVERY meal you eat is a chance to – via hormones – tell your body to either BURN or STORE fat.
The goal is to make good choices and not feel deprived on all the fun. Have fun and make sure you join us as we kick off the New Year and continue to #FightForIt

Friday, December 23, 2016

Tips to Stay on Track this Holiday Season

Tips to Stay on Track this Holiday Season

If you’re the one who does the cooking during the holidays, you have more control over the ingredients and how meals are cooked. But what if others do the cooking? If you can, you should do most of the cooking during the holidays. However, if there is absolutely no way you can avoid foods prepared by someone else, here are a few tips for clean eating during the holidays.
1.  Start with a Healthy Breakfast- Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. If you start your day with a clean breakfast, you’ll likely eat less throughout the rest of the day compared to if you skip. Try a bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh blueberries and slivered almonds or make a fruit smoothie with a tablespoon of wheat germ.
My favorite breakfast is 1/2 cup oatmeal, 3/4 cup almond milk, 1/2 apple grated, pinch of cinnamon, 1/2 scoop protein powder, 1 tbsp wheat germ and flaxseed! 
2. Stay on Track with Frequent Meals-Just because it’s a time for celebration doesn’t mean it’s time to throw all you’ve learned out the window. If you’re eating clean now, that means you’re eating every three to four hours anyway. Eating frequent meals will help you to keep from overeating when you sit down to enjoy holiday meals.
3.  Fill Your Plate with Veggies- Sure, veggies are considered side dishes, but there’s no rule that says you can’t fill the majority of your plate with vegetables. Vegetables are packed with fiber, which helps keep you feeling full, so you can fill up on fewer calories and have less room for diet-blowing desserts. Fill three-quarters of your plate with veggies and the other quarter with a lean protein.
4.  Eat Slowly-Your body tells you when it’s time to stop eating. Eat slowly and give yourself time to hear those cues. Don’t wait until your full to stop eating. Put your fork down when you no longer feel hungry.
5.  Indulge…
But just a little. There’s no hard and fast rule with clean eating that says you can’t have “just one bite.” If you really, really won’t feel satisfied until you have a bite of that pumpkin cheesecake, then have a bite.
6.  Cut Yourself Some Slack- So what happens if you can’t resist and eat with reckless abandon during the holidays? Don’t be too hard on yourself. Not partaking in all the delicious holiday foods is often difficult and takes pre-planning and a lot of motivation to avoid. If you get off track, get right back on after the holidays are over.
7.  Pre-Eating-  If I know that I am going to a party that there will not be any healthy choices here is what I do.  I eat before I go!  I drink my Shakeology or have a well balanced meal.  Then, when I get to the event I grab a big glass of water and I socialize!  I make parties about talking to other people and not about the food.  When you do that, you tend to forget about the food and people don’t even notice!  I went to a birthday party on Sunday and there was nothing that was even remotely healthy.  So I drank my shake before going, when I got there I got my kids food and sat at the table and fed them.  No one even asked a question because I was busy with the kids.  When they were done I cleaned them up and went and talked to someone else.  When it was time for cake I helped serve the cake and clean up afterwards so there was no time to sit down and eat cake!  I just kept busy talking to other people!  Yes, I could have enjoyed myself and ate the fried chicken and macaroni and cheese but I had already gone out the night before and had a few glasses of wine and dessert so I wasn’t going to allow myself to do it 2 days in a row!  You have to prioritize!
8.  Going away for the holidays- So a lot of you probally travel to visit family during the holidays and don’t have any control over what is being fed to you!  Here are some easy tips to keep on track.  When I travel I always pack a cooler!  I pre-portion out my oatmeal and throw in some dried cranberries or raisins and take it with me.  Oatmeal is easy to throw in a bowl with water and microwave!  I also pack easy snacks to take along with me.  I packed a bag of baby carrots and pre portioned out some nuts and hummus.  I threw a couple cheese sticks into my cooler and some fruit.  Voila, you have healthy snacks to keep you from stopping at the rest stops and drive thrus.  Then, when you are faced with a meal that your family cooks that is not easy on the waistline, you just mind your portion sizes and load up on veggies.  But at least you won’t be starving and eat everything in sight because you came with a well thought out plan and have been on track the rest of the day! 
Good luck and please share what you are planning to do to stay focused this holiday season!
How do you plan to stick to clean eating this holiday season, especially if you’re not doing the prep work? We’d love to hear your tips and tricks, so leave a comment below!
Portions of this post were taken from

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Seven Healthier Hot Chocolate Variations

Is there anything more quintessentially “winter” than savoring a steaming cup of hot chocolate by the fireplace? Hot cocoa is a favorite holiday beverage for many, but making it from a pre-made mix doesn’t do the drink justice. Instead, it’s easy (and healthier) to make it from scratch.
There are endless ways to transform a basic cup of hot chocolate. Start with the basic single-serving recipe below, and then get creative! We’ll get you started with a few of our favorite versions, including Peppermint Mocha, Bananas Foster, Mexican Hot Chocolate, and more. Let us know your favorite in the comments.
And if you’re looking for more delicious recipes to whip up this holiday season, let Autumn Calabrese and her chef brother, Bobby, help plan your menu! The FIXATE cooking show on Beachbody On Demand has everything you need to cook an incredible (and healthy) holiday meal that the whole family will love. Log on to get the recipes and learn how to cook all the dishes with step-by-step instructions!

Healthy Hot Chocolate Recipe

Once you’ve mastered this healthy twist on classic hot chocolate, double or quadruple the recipe to share with family and friends. Use this recipe as the foundation for the variations that follow.
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 5 mins
Total time: 10 mins
Yield: 1 serving
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk beverage (or unsweetened almond milk)
  • 2 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ½ tsp. raw honey (optional)
  1. Bring coconut milk, cocoa powder, and honey (if desired) to a boil in small saucepan over medium-high heat, whisking frequently.
  2. Pour into a large mug; serve immediately.

7 Healthier Hot Chocolate Variations

Seven Healthier Hot Chocolate Variations to Cozy Up With This Winter

Cinnamon Hot Chocolate

With two common spices, you can create a unique flavor for your hot cocoa that will really hit the spot during the holidays.
How to: Add a pinch of cinnamon (up to ½ a teaspoon) and just a dash of ginger (⅛ teaspoon) to a cup of hot chocolate. Ginger is more potent than cinnamon, so a dash should be plenty to create this festive flavor.

Peppermint Mocha Hot Chocolate

If you like your chocolate with an espresso buzz, this version is for you! The combination of mint and mocha is a good choice if you love coffee but find it unsettling to your digestive system, as peppermint can be used to soothe an upset stomach.
How to: Add a shot of espresso and dash of peppermint extract to a cup of hot cocoa. Not a fan of extracts? Use a few leaves of fresh mint instead.

Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate

Are you one of those people that just can’t get enough of the fall-favorite PSL, even though October is long gone? Enjoy it year-round with this autumnal recipe. You’ll find that because pumpkin puree is thick, you’ll likely drink this slower than your typical PSL, meaning you’ll really savor the desserty drink.
How to: Whisk two tablespoons pumpkin puree into a mug of hot chocolate using a whisk or a fork. Then, add a pinch of pumpkin pie spice to give it that iconic fall flavor.

Bananas Foster Hot Chocolate

Chocolate and bananas are a sweet combination that works whether it’s in a smoothie, a campfire dessert, or hot chocolate. Instead of using chunks of a ripe banana as you would with the original Bananas Foster, use dried bananas. They’ll give your cocoa the same banana flavor and aroma without the banana chunks.
How to: Simply add a few slices to the bottom of a mug, then fill with piping hot chocolate.

Tahini Hot Chocolate

This twist on the traditional recipe contains sesame, which makes it richer, creamier, and just a bit nutty.
How to: Simply add one teaspoon of tahini paste into the basic recipe. You can buy tahini at most grocery stores, or you can make your own tahini sauce.
Seven Healthier Hot Chocolate Variations to Cozy Up With This Winter

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cocktail

Are you a fan of this Chile Mocha Shakeology recipe? Whip up a hot version of Chile Mocha Hot Chocolate to keep you warm this winter.
How to: Mix ¼ teaspoon cinnamon and a pinch of Ancho chile powder to a mug of hot chocolate. If you want to turn it into a spiked Mexican hot chocolate, add a couple dashes of chocolate chili bitters and up to a shot of tequila.

Hot Chocolate Martini

Apple and chocolate martinis might not be the thing to order at the bar these days, but that doesn’t mean they’re not delicious. Here’s how to enjoy a chocolate martini with less sugar.
How to: Just add a shot of vodka to the basic recipe above. If you want a richer chocolate flavor, try a dash of chocolate extract. This is an awesome way to boost the taste of chocolate in a recipe without adding cocoa powder.

Don’t know which variation to try first? Have a hot chocolate tasting party and make mini cocoa portions so you can try them all!

What Is The All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership

What Is The All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you saw that yesterday was a really exciting day!  Team Beachbody launched a brand new option for its customers and coaches called the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack.  It is crazy to think about life just 5 years ago.  Streaming was really brand new, people still had DVD/VCR combos and everything was moving in a DVD fashion.  You still went to the Red Box or or Blockbuster to rent a movie.  Seriously, that was Matt & I’s typical weekend routine.  We would head over to Blockbuster and browse the rows of videos to find the one we were going to watch that night.  Those days are gone, literally you never even have to leave your house.  You can pull up netflix or Amazon Prime or On Demand and you are good to go right from your couch.  Times really have changed in just a few short years.  

So why am I telling you this?  Well, because times are changing for fitness as well.  It is still the same process to getting healthy and feeling your best.  You have to put in the work to get the results and there is no quick fix.  But, there are now more options than ever to have access to the tools that can help you achieve the look and feel that you want!  Team Beachbody came into my life 5 1/2 years ago with a program called Insanity by Shaun T.  Have you heard of it?  It seriously kicked my BUTT and it totally changed my life.  Every afternoon I would go to the basement pop in my DVD to my laptop and workout in our storage room in the basement while my boys took their afternoon nap.  I learned how to eat clean through my coach and our challenge group.  I found support in other moms that were struggling to lose weight post pregnancy, juggle mom life and still find time for themselves.  I was forever changed because of the relationships built in that 90 days, my coach and Insanity, P90X, Clean Eating and Shakeology.  I know that the model of Team Beachbody Challenge groups work!  I know that it is MY secret sauce and while it might not be everyone’s cup of tea it truly did and still does work for me and my family.
I am thankful that Beachbody is innovate and is constantly thinking about how they can provide the utmost support & accountability to their customers and coaches.  I love that Beachbody didn’t dig in their heels and resist the change in times but instead embraced that our world is moving more digital and they have created this incredible Beachbody On Demand platform and all the programs that it includes for us to get results.  

So yesterday the CEO of Team Beachbody Carl Daikeler announced a new option for anyone to take advantage of.  The Annual All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership which provides total access to every program available on Beachbody ON Demand, plus future releases.  So that means that every single program Beachbody has ever created from P90X, Turbofire, Insanity, 10 Minute Trainer to new ones like Cize, T25, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Hammer and Chisel, Insanity Max30, 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme, Core De Force and more are on a digital library you can access plus anything new that Beachbody releases you get INSTANT access at no additional charge for an entire 12 months.  That is incredible!!!!  Starting on December 27th you will be able to purchase either an annual membership or the Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack.  This is an incredible opportunity for me to help you get even better results.

WHY is this so Awesome?
So I’m going to give you my personal opinion on the new feature. I love the All Access Challenge Pack because it gives you:
  • 1 Year Membership to Beachbody On Demand (BOD) with all content included, plus future releases.
  • Shakeology (choice of 30-day supply on home direct)
  • Portion Fix (includes 7 piece portion control container system, eating guide, large blue container and shaker cup)
  • Business Starter Kit Waived if you choose the coach enrollment option.
  • You get all of this for $199 for the entire year  (12 months) and there is no monthly fee.
BOD, Beachbody On Demand, All Access Challenge Pack, Melanie Mitro
The points I listed above is worth thousands of dollars and for 12 months you are getting access to everything that Beachbody has ever created plus anything new through the year.  That is awesome but the real reason I am excited is this.  You can purchase this pass and together we can choose to start with for example, 21 Day Fix.  You can complete 21 Days of the program, at the end of the 21 days we can have a discussion around what program you are going to do next.  What your goals are, what you have already accomplished and how we can help to tweak your plan to get you results.  Maybe after the 21 day fix you decide you want to add in more cardio.  We can  move over to T25 or  Core De Force as the next program.  Or let’s say you have an injury that is preventing you rom completing the 21 Day Fix, we can switch programs and move over to the 3 week yoga retreat until you are feeling well enough to go back to your T25 workout.  The key here is options that help YOU achieve YOUR goals.  We can mix, match, tweak and change your plan so that you do not lose steam, you do not get bored and YOU get the results that you want.
Each fitness program through BOD has the calendar of workouts and what to do when.  Each program has a nutrition guide you can download, tracking sheets and you have me to help walk you through the program to make sure you are getting the results that you want.  This is not about just starting and completing 1 program, it is about moving through each stage of your journey and entering into a lifestyle of proper nutrition and fitness.
I love this option because it gives you flexibility and creativity.  But the most important part of this whole thing is the SUPPORT!  Sure, anyone can just buy a program but where you see most people getting results is when they have a community of support around them helping them to get results! That is where the magic truly happens!
I used to be that girl that went to the gym, that bought the membership on January 1st and VOWED that this year would be the year I would make a change. I truly did have good intentions, but by the end of January I would find myself making excuses, eating ice cream after my workouts and frustrated with my results.  It doesn’t matter how awesome the gym membership is.  If you don’t know what to do when you get there, it is going to be wasted time and money for you.
So this year is your year!  If you are like me and you need structure, support, guidance and accountability then Beachbody might be your magic ticket.  I didn’t like working out in public, I enjoy my own home space, and I like that I can workout when it works for me and around my kids schedules.
I am inviting you to #1 take advantage of the All Access Pass and make me your coach!  Let me help you set some new goals to achieve your healthy and fulfilling life.  Whether you want to be a part of my accountability and support groups or not I am here to help.
I am kicking off my next group called JanYOUary, New  You Health Bet Group on January 2nd through the Beachbody Challenge Tracker App.  You will set realistic and achievable goals, log your workouts, your nutrition and Shakeology daily through our app based program and I will be there 24/7 to provide support, accountability, guidance, recipes and meal planning to make this a lasting lifestyle change.  Does this sound like something you would like to do?  Check out my facebook page or send me an email for details.

What is the cost of the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership?

  • The Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is $199
  • The Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand Membership is $99.95 and that does not include Shakeology &  the portion containers.
  • If you are an existing Beachbody On Demand Customer you will HAVE to cancel your current membership by calling customer service at 1800-470-7870 and canceling and then you will be price adjusted accordingly.  Then, you can complete this form to upgrade to the all access subscription.   You cannot do this until the 27th of December when it is launched.
  • If you live in Canada your All Access Beachbody On Demand Membership is $99.
  • If you live in Canada your All Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack is $239.
  • You can also choose the Beachbody on Demand Kick Start Challenge Pack which includes the 3 day refresh, which is truly the BEST option to start fresh, cleanse and get on the path to success in the new year and that is $239 US and $277 Canadian.
  • If you already have Beachbody on Demand you can upgrade to the annual all access membership for $99.
  • If you bought a challenge pack between 12/1 and 12/26 you can upgrade to this challenge pack offer for $69 again by using this link, on December 27th.
Who Can buy this Challenge Pack??  
  • If you are an existing customer you can cancel your current On Demand and get this option.
  • If you are a new customer or coach you can utilize this option as well.
  • It is for EVERYONE which is awesome!
When can I buy this Challenge Pack??

  • The New All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is available for sale on the 27th of December.  Until then you can get on my list to stay updated by subscribing to my website here  >>
    • Or you can join the closed group where I am going to be sharing everything about Beachbody On Demand and how it can work for you, here.
    • You can contact me through my email at if you have questions and I am happy to answer.
    • If you currently work with a coach or you are a coach please contact YOUR coach for the details.

The magical date is December 27th!  So make sure you are on MY LIST to get ALL the details on the releases, the features and how to use Beachbody On Demand.  Plus, don’t miss the boat at getting support in the new year.  Join my Health Bet Challenge Group called the New Year New You to help you jump start your best year ever!

If you don’t have a coach make sure that you create a FREE account with me as your coach so that I can help you get started.  Here is the low down on the all access pass that my friend did live via Facebook Yesterday.

I am so excited about what this has to offer and I truly believe that this is going to be a game changer!

My goal in 2017 is to continue to provide you with excellent support and accountability and show you how to truly make this a lasting lifestyle change through our advanced support & accountability groups.  Let’s do this together!  Why not you!

Are you in??  Make sure to get on my list ASAP!

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Ultimate Rest


Hey all! I can't even explain my level of excitement & nervousness to try The Ultimate Rest. I have been coaching for over 3 years now and cannot believe I havnt done it yet. This is going to be a GREAT way to kick off 2017! My team is going to join me in doing this which I think is super helpful so im not trying something new alone. Who wants to join us? 

Why Try The Ultimate Reset? 
Even though the body is extremely resilient, our bodies have been pushed to the limit by pollution, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, and toxins contained in nearly everything in out daily world. These harmful items disrupt the normal function of our organs and bodily systems, which, in turn, weakens our immunity, hinders metabolic activity, and creates imbalances that can lead to health problems.

Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a unique program that helps people of all ages find relief from digestive problems, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, asthma, arthritis, depression, and inflammatory conditions. It has also helped active individuals get even more out of their workouts because it restores the body and makes it more efficient.

What Do You Receive In The Ultimate Reset?

1. 6 Supplements - These supplements detox, alkalinize, soothe, mineralize, optimize, and revitalize to restore your body to the highest level of health.
2. Support from ME! - Support and encouragement from me and other team members is available online anytime, plus our communication tools let you chat, share, and get tips.
3. Guidebook with RECIPES - Explore the science behind the program, get three weeks worth of menus and recipes, and learn all of the health benefits you'll achieve from Beachbody Ultimate Reset.
4. Two DVDs - Part of getting your body back to its optimal health includes lifestyle changes you can implement with our healthy recipes, yoga instruction, and wellness techniques.
4. Ultimate Reset Bracelet & Caddy! 

But...Does It Work?

Exciting results from a recent clinical study by The Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, an independent, peer-reviewed journal, show that the Ultimate Reset program is clinically proven to help you lose weight and improve your overall health in only 21 days.

Each clinical study participant at New York Chiropractic College followed the complete Ultimate Reset program of clean, nutrient-rich foods and a plan of natural supplements.

The results were impressive. People in the study lost substantial weight on the program, leading to clinically significant improvements in their health, including an increase in testosterone for men and lowering of:

 - Body Mass Index
 - Triglycerides
- Blood pressure
- Total cholesterol
- LDL cholesterol

"Such improvements have been shown to lower the risk of metabolic syndrome and associated disease states, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and Type II diabetes." —Dr. Michael Farzam, MD, board-certified physician.

The Ultimate Reset has helped thousands of people lose weight, improve digestion, and feel better than they have in years.

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  If so, complete the application below to be considered for a spot in my next accountability group! Fill out the Application below!


My FINAL Ultimate Reset Results and pictures!!! 

OMG the before picture is SO embarrassing! But luckily I have the extra support and accountability from my friends cheering me on while I fought to win myself back! 

My nutrition was seriously lacking for several months. The main culprit was STRESS... augh-- I'm so bad when I'm stressed out and I don't even really notice because usually its HEALTHY food that I'm over eating. Yes, you can really overeat healthy food.

I also have an allergy to dairy and I allowed it to creep back into my life and felt sick every time I ate it. Today I have NO dairy cravings-- in fact I don't even want to touch the stuff. I'm excited that I finally kicked this in the butt.

The Ultimate Reset allowed me to really focus on myself and my health. It helped me reset my body. Refocus my mind and dial in on my nutrition.

Today I feel more focused, more energized, more confident and AMAZING!!!

Thank you everyone who cheered me on and kept me SO motivated. I seriously LOVE all of you and I'm so grateful that you have been a part of this journey with me.

I hope you are inspired to believe that you can do this too. These results are only after 21 days. I am a busy mom, wife and work full time. I also help others with their health and fitness, including meal prepping and helping to modify workouts. If I can do this-- you can TOTALLY do it too! 
Fill out my online form.
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